Sample Preset

try turning off your monitor or moving away from it and see if the noise goes down. my monitor causes a ton of noise at high gain.
I used my ears.
That is truly deep and profound, and not at all patronizing. Apparently Sonny Landreth has to rely on someone else's ears with Fractal gear, too, so maybe I'm in good company.

I appreciate everything you and your crew does for us, especially those of us with older gear. But man, I don't appreciate replies like this to legitimate questions. I'd rather get no reply at all.

Thank you, Singtall, for a good answer.
Just my perspective - in only a relatively small percentage of situations is there "reasoning" behind anything I do in my patches. For the most part, I have a sound in my head I'd like to achieve, and I use my experience about which knobs change the sound in which ways to choose ones to turn, then use my ears to verify that the sound is getting closer to what I envision instead of further away. That is all.
Just loaded this up to have a look. For the most part, I get what you're doing. But I'm a little puzzled by the GEQ boosting mids into the amp, and then the amp EQ seeming to scoop them, although the center of the scoop is at a little lower frequency than the GEQ, I think. Can you tell us your reasoning there?

Opposing EQ curves pre and post the amp are a common technique.

The EQ before the amp is typically to shape the distortion.

The EQ after the amp is typically to balance the tone back.

So boost mids in front -> cut mids in post is a common one.

Cut bass in front -> boost bass in post another really common one... Boogie's are dialed in like this to tighten up the low end.

Note the "front" EQ could be the tone stack too depending on the amp type. It's not necessarily a separate EQ block.
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