Rookie Nurse

But speaking as a guy that could fill a minibus with doctor friends they are not those doctors. All the doctors I encounter for my own healthcare now seem like they are running from room to room with 15 mins for each patient. My doc friends say this is due to the way insurance companies force them to ration benefits. That's not a socialized thing. Insurance companies are among the wealthiest companies in the US. I left a link above, but it is an easy google too.
I said I wouldn’t say more, but this is a mistaken assumption. Meaning the assumption that the insurance industry is a private company solely being controlled by its private management. The insurance industry just like all things “socialized” is ultimately being controlled by the “State”. All the BS the doctors are dealing with is the bureaucratic red tape caused by government bloat and the lining of pockets.

This is an example of why it’s so difficult to discuss this crap. There is too much IMHO, mistaken or just not looking down the rabbit hole far enough to see where the real problems lay. Everyone is too busy defending their dwindling piece of the pie. My sister and I barely speak anymore because I made it clear how I have lost total faith in the medical industry over the last 3 years due to their stubborn need or want to defend what was clearly a takeover of their industry through false pretenses by the overlords of darkness to ultimately control the masses. What really sickened me was when vanity was used as a tool to gain their obedience. What’s more, we can go back to 2009 when all the white coats of the AMA stood on the White House lawn and conspired with the pathological liars of government to the American people so they could keep what they thought were the big bucks rolling in.
I said I wouldn’t say more, but this is a mistaken assumption. Meaning the assumption that the insurance industry is a private company solely being controlled by its private management. The insurance industry just like all things “socialized” is ultimately being controlled by the “State”. All the BS the doctors are dealing with is the bureaucratic red tape caused by government bloat and the lining of pockets.

This is an example of why it’s so difficult to discuss this crap. There is too much IMHO, mistaken or just not looking down the rabbit hole far enough to see where the real problems lay. Everyone is too busy defending their dwindling piece of the pie. My sister and I barely speak anymore because I made it clear how I have lost total faith in the medical industry over the last 3 years due to their stubborn need or want to defend what was clearly a takeover of their industry through false pretenses by the overlords of darkness to ultimately control the masses. What really sickened me was when vanity was used as a tool to gain their obedience. What’s more, we can go back to 2009 when all the white coats of the AMA stood on the White House lawn and conspired with the pathological liars of government to the American people so they could keep what they thought were the big bucks rolling in.

And no countervailing or dissenting opinions allowed … Complete censorship by the state and complicate media.

That’s what centralized authority and control looks like.
I said I wouldn’t say more, but this is a mistaken assumption. Meaning the assumption that the insurance industry is a private company solely being controlled by its private management. The insurance industry just like all things “socialized” is ultimately being controlled by the “State”. All the BS the doctors are dealing with is the bureaucratic red tape caused by government bloat and the lining of pockets.

This is an example of why it’s so difficult to discuss this crap. There is too much IMHO, mistaken or just not looking down the rabbit hole far enough to see where the real problems lay. Everyone is too busy defending their dwindling piece of the pie. My sister and I barely speak anymore because I made it clear how I have lost total faith in the medical industry over the last 3 years due to their stubborn need or want to defend what was clearly a takeover of their industry through false pretenses by the overlords of darkness to ultimately control the masses. What really sickened me was when vanity was used as a tool to gain their obedience. What’s more, we can go back to 2009 when all the white coats of the AMA stood on the White House lawn and conspired with the pathological liars of government to the American people so they could keep what they thought were the big bucks rolling in.
What you call the "State" I call corporate lobbyists, special interests and corrupt politicians. For context I am an Independent. I gave up on the whole "R" & "D" thing a long time ago because neither side can field a truly functional government. Let alone stand up for a position based on morality instead of what will get them campaign dollars and more power. Talk about a ack of calling or higher purpose/violation of oaths - No one does that better than a politician no matter what letter they have after their name.

I learned as an engineer you can't fix a broken system with broken parts. I live in Colorado where we have the highest percentage of unaffiliated active voters in the US. My mantra is no more "R's" and no more "D's". I want Independents representing me that are against dark and soft money in politics and support a constitutional amendment to eliminate the pathways leading to corruption.

I hope someday soon we get candidate choices based on a lack of party that will serve their constituents without the baggage of the party reindeer games. We don't need many - just 20% or so in the senate and the house. That would break the logjam of stupidity in congress and make our government work again for real.
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And no countervailing or dissenting opinions allowed … Complete censorship by the state and complicate media.

That’s what centralized authority and control looks like.
I agree censorship of any kind should not be part of our values. That includes burning or banning books because you don't agree with them. That is some Stalinist level authoritarian BS.
I did agree with you on Doctors not feeling a calling like they used to and still should.

A symptom of healthcare going for-profit, undoubtedly.

Docs used to take their hypocritic oaths seriously too.

Oh boy, is that the Freudian slip of the century.... "Hippocratic" is the actual word, but what you typed is truth....

That's not a socialized thing. Insurance companies are among the wealthiest companies in the US. I left a link above, but it is an easy google too.

Any actual healthcare that escapes the money machine is a cost to be reduced, or, if possible, eliminated. Kaiser said it himself, when answering Nixon's q about "how are you going to make money in healthcare?" His answer? "By denying coverage." It is, has been, and always will be a rip-off on a grand scale, and it is working exactly as intended....
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