Road trip to Fractal...

So they'll let you buy one if you just knock on their door? So they won't turn you away? I dunno if I'm being skeptical but that sounds almost too good to be true. Cheers on the trip and axe 2 bud :) drive safe, drink a lot of coffee, and give us clips!
I can't speak for the OP, but I emailed Cliff beforehand and asked if I could swing by, and set up a time that was convenient for him. Fractal isn't Best Buy, so I'd be hesitant to just randomly stop in.
Leaving my Montreal hometown, Canada, tomorrow morning at 4 A.M., expecting to be at Fractal headquarters around 9 A.M. to buy my Axe 2!! If my Axe can't get to me, I'll get to her!! More to come, stay tune!!!

Very happy for you but probably shouldn't post about it, it makes our little hearts sink, Rock on :)
Do some recon when you are there and see if you can get a feel for how production is going. I was going through some old posts and i think the plan was to get a ton of them out there, but stuff happens and it may be delayed a bit.
Where is the factory anyway? Not that I can drive there living here in New Zealand lol!
Well, since you live in New Zealand, would'nt be a great idea to simply put the ring in your finger, and go to Fractal offices through Sauron eye? Cliff would'nt see you anyway, so you could take an Axe 2 with you without been notice!! No offence, I'm a big Lord of the ring fan, and I think your country is one of the most beautiful there is!!
I am most curious how many people was working in his shop? I know Cliff builds alot of the units did he have alot of people working there? He should sign his name on the top of the units in a silver sharpy on the ones he assembles.
I had actually asked for Cliff to sign my II when it was picked up today. If I understand the conversation from how it was relayed back to me, Cliff said it wasn't necessary; that any units marked CC were assembled by him personally.
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Hey, any update? Good trip? Did you get it? Did you pay 2599 for it? (referring to the new price/waiting list madness going on right now) ;)
I picked mine up on Saturday, before the increase to the MSRP. Left at 4:45 in the morning to beat Long Island and I-95 traffic. Got to Fractal at 9. My appointment was at noon. Got home at 4:30. - lots of traffic on the way back. Big thanks to Cliff and the Mrs. for taking time out of their weekend to meet up.
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