Ring Mod Lasers / Delay Glitch Patch


Hey all! I've put together a patch with 8 scenes that use some of my favorite "out-there" effects. Heavily inspired by Greg from Car Bomb for these. The laser settings I made here were used by the Periphery guys throughout PV after I sent it to Misha, including on Wildfire, Everything is Fine, and Dracul Gras! There's also a stutter effect in there that's controlled by the current pitch being played (big thank you to @Admin M@ for the idea). Lastly, there are 4 of my favorite high gain amps across the channels. Note: Any patch with "Exp" in the name is controlled via Pedal 1 by default.

Let me know what you think!

I'm definitely downloading this!!

This is exactly the stuff I love seeing with the AxeFX. I'm just as guilty as the next guy for simply recreating your basic rigs in my AxeFX, but seeing people create new and interesting sounds is badasssssss. Thanks for sharing, man!!
These sound fucking amazing!! Super inspiriational stuff, those lasers are gonna get put to work immediately! 🤘:cool:

Thanks for your sharing your skills brother!
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