Retro Channel price announced

Maybe I wasn't clear enough. To most consumers the "made in America" theme adds no value because they have become accustom to most of their purchases being manufactured elsewhere. I agree that if something has more features or is of better quality, some will spend more, but very few are willing to pay more to support American manufacturing.

I think this is more generational than a generalization. It also depends on the product, ask a new parent for example and they don't want any sippy cups or kids toys made in China but someone younger doesn't give a rats ass where their tennis racket was made.

I think made in America matters not purely on quality but because with the economy still in the dumps people think twice about helping out fellow Americans. Or at least I hope they would, it certainly matters to me. Hey Kemper is made in China right?
The price is a touch higher than I was guessing, but not out of line. I'm thrilled with the GT1000FX but I hope the Retro amp does well and wish Lance the best. The price won't be an issue if it sounds great, I can't wait til it gets out there and we get some unbiased reviews.

In my case, I really didn't want a bunch of controls on my power amp to shape tone. I prefer to do all that in the Axe. The Matrix is 1U, much lighter AND costs less as it turns out.
I thought this amp sounded really good from the video they did a while back, however it appears that it works best with the power amp sims disabled which seems to be missing the point to a degree with the Axe FX - or am I missing the point?

Forgive my chiming in here..
The amp works just as well with the cabs sims on as it does with them off.

The thing about our input gain controls on each channel is that if you want your cab sims engaged you can do so and leave the channel volume on the power amp in a lower position to taste, from just above zero to 3 o'clock. By 3 0'clock that amp is LOUD...

If you want to use our power amp (pushed) you can run the channel volume above 3 o'clock and get more power amp distortion and sag.
This still works with or without the Sims.
Very easy to tweak, and the amp works great with other standalone pres, tube, solid state, and digital.

As far as the USA as apposed to Chinese manufacturing thing.. that is not so much a generational thing for me as it is the fact that I toured Chinese factories a few years ago and didn't like what I saw.
Our intention is to never gouge, but also to try to make a fair profit while providing a quality product.
I like the idea that our manufacturing is so close to me that I can drive to the factory in 15 minutes and take a hands on approach with our products in production.
Lance - i dont think US build is a bad thing. as you say its close and you have control. I dont think "made is the US" from a consumer perspective means much any more, and means absolutely nothing to customers outside the US.

I just question the price point - not from a profit POV, and you have to price at a level thats sustainable form a business POV. Its from the POV that quality SS amps are available for those who dont want the traditional "power amp sag/drive" for quite a bit less, while those that DO want those things can get it from a valve power amp of similar price, weight and quality. i guess i feel you need to undercut the likes of the Fryette 1U amp to win over the "tube amp" fanatics while needing to be closer to SS competition for that market.

Im sure you have a top quality product, that sounds amazing BUT I feel you fall between two other camps. your not cheap enough to persuade valve amp fanatics to switch to non valves and arnt cheap enough to persuade SS amp users to switch either.

however, choice is always good for us musos - and I hope Im wrong, and wish you and your product success.
I watched the video again and I do like the look of these so I've just ordered one. Seems you can either get it to run flat or crank it a bit for variety. £740 including shipping and exchange rate, so a bit more expensive than the Matrix but it looks to have some flexibility and I reckon it looks great - always nice to see chicken head knobs in a rack!

I have an old Yamaha DG1000 preamp with the automated chicken head knobs, so I'll have to dig that out when it arrives.
Dont forget import and VAT that will get added at customs. Thats going to add another 23%, so the total will be around £900ish all in.
That's true - but hey, you only live once and it just looks so much cooler than the Matrix. It's got to sound better with those chicken head knobs. Only real amps get chicken heads!

I like the added versatility that it has and the fact that it has no fan is a real bonus for me.
Here is an example of the rig with JUST the power amp for tone.
The signal path is RJM switcher, 2290, PCM80, Power amp in stereo with the volumes turned up.
No preamp at all.
Keep in mind that I use this for my personal clean channel, and then introduce other pres for gain.

SoundClick artist: Retro Channel - page with MP3 music downloads

I'm digging this clip. Nice work on voicing the PA, especially with solid-state devices! :eek:

As a circuits "enthusiast" I'm curious to know how y'all did it. But hey, that's why there's intellectual property, right!? :mrgreen

Great job on the product, says I.
wow! been playing pro for more than 10 years, with this one really, i can't believe this is not a tube power amp, have you guys contemplated about a 1RU version to save space?
As a circuits "enthusiast" I'm curious to know how y'all did it. But hey, that's why there's intellectual property, right!? :mrgreen

Actually, IP doesn't come into it ... anyone can use anyone elses circuit (unless there is a patent on it) the IP is in the actual layout. Providing you do your own layout, theres nothing to stop you cloning someones circuit. Copyright protects the creative part (the layout) not the idea (the circuit). Strange but true.

Anyway, whatever, for me this amp completely misses the point, if I'm going to end up with a Lexicon and the tone coming from my amp, I might as well not bother with the AFX ... for me the future is in modelling and clean, smooth amps, so I can see this being a great amp if you are going "retro" and assembing your rig and sound from component parts like a lexicon and a TC 2290, effects switchers and all that ... but, for me thats like taking a step backwards. Im sure its a great amp and has great tone, but I just don't see it as being relevant to the AFX. For me, the added controls are a problem, not a benefit.
Yes, that was my initial concern as well because, since getting tuned in with my Axe II, I am finally prepared to accept that I no longer need my valve amps. However, having queried it with Lance, he confirmed that at lower settings on the channel volume control it will not color the sound at all.

On that basis, I'm prepared to take a chance and try it out. I'll post my observations on here when it arrives if anyone is interested.
As I mentioned in a previous post I was able to hear this live at the NAMM show (Lance even let stuck a guitar in my hands and let me play through his rig) and it works great with the AXE. Turn the input gain down and it acts like a flat response power amp but if you start turning the input gain up, it just adds a extra bit of tube warmth (for lack of a better term) to the sound, and if you want to play through a guitar cab the cabinet resonance control lets you tweak that as well. For me that's a nice feature for when I want to go to my buddy's house and do some jamming, all I have to take is the Axe and the Retro and I can play through one of his guitar cabs.
For me that's a nice feature for when I want to go to my buddy's house and do some jamming, all I have to take is the Axe and the Retro and I can play through one of his guitar cabs.

Yeah, I sort of see what you mean, I think I'd want something a bit smaller and lighter for a jamming grab-bag though.

I guess everyones idea of the perfect amp is different. So many choices :)
Wow, what a dilema. Upgrade to an Axe II? Get a new poweramp instead? If a poweramp, the Matrix or the Retro Channel? It's nice to have great choices!!! It's hard to bring products to market; hats off to you and your folks Lance.

All things being equal, I'll get USA made. All things are not usually equal. I won't buy a Chevy anymore now that they're union owned and the investors got screwed. But I'll get an Texan-made poweramp if I can come up with the cash. If they don't sell, they'll either have to quit making them or drop the price a little. Maybe Lance will have a Christmas sale or something..... :)
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