Rerecorded an old track Bulb and I wrote


Hey dudes,

I've been working on some new tones recently so to test out the mix I used an old track Misha and I wrote for our Snuggles project called Uncle Bubbles. It's not quite the whole song, but should be enough to get a feel for the mix.

I used my Dæmoness "Pink Intruder" custom 6-string through the Axe FX (PVH 5105 and Marsha HBE models) for the guitar tones. Drums are a combination of several S2.0 expansion kits, including Avatar, Metal Foundry and Evil Drums.

Hope you enjoy!
Cheers dudes! The cabs are Redwirez - Mesa Recto, SM57, one close up to the cap edge, one further back right on the cap.
Great tone Nolly! My friend/band mate Mike did a cover of Uncle Bubbles a while back so I'll have to pass this on to him.
Hey Nolly what samples are from the Evil Drums SDX?

Just wondering because i couldn't pass up ordering it since it is half off this month.... :D
The kick is from Evil drums, and the hi-hat is too though there's barely any of that in this track :lol:
It's a very cool pack! The snares and toms have lots of potential too, but I haven't had time to mess around with them too much.
Awesome! thanks Nolly!

I was really liking the samples from what i have heard so far. I'm looking forward to working with those soon!
Cheers dude! Try it now - for some reason the .mp3 extension wasn't included in the hyperlink.
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