Request: Worship Presets Please

I couldn't find time for all the screenshots so this is for XL only. I am including my usercab list so that you can see which user cabs I am using. The presets have different drives and delay on scenes, generally it is cleaner to dirtier. Also, the levels may be low for your set up. I have mine gain staged for easily using the FX Loop for additional effects.

Index of /Audio/XL_Worship
I updated my Axe FXII to the new firmware this afternoon , and was going through my presets. I had a great patch that I made for last Sunday using the Matchless D30 per everyone's advice . Today I was resetting my amp block and landed on the Mr Z amps. Man did it ever sound good. I don't remember the MrZ amps sounding that good for before , but I actually prefer it to the D30 amp now especially for worships crunch type patches with the ambience etc..

Anyways just thought I would mention . Maybe it is just the combo with my guitar etc.. but I was pleasantly surprised ..Still hoping Java will show us some screenies of his presets
Hey Llewzaher,

My friend I am still not understanding what is the resetting amp procedure. I always download and install the new firmwares and have no idea why or if I need to reset anything after that. Also I don't know how to do that. Can you please explain what I am missing my friend?
Thanks for the reading Chris. As I understand as long as the presets still sounding good after a firmware update you just do nothing because the settings will be the same as in the original preset, is that right?
I couldn't find time for all the screenshots so this is for XL only. I am including my usercab list so that you can see which user cabs I am using. The presets have different drives and delay on scenes, generally it is cleaner to dirtier. Also, the levels may be low for your set up. I have mine gain staged for easily using the FX Loop for additional effects.

Index of /Audio/XL_Worship

Man, the XL sure holds a lot of IRs. I kinda wish I hadn't noticed...
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