REQUEST - Cannibal Corpse - Nile - Death Metal patches

I would be devastated if deleted a cannibal corpse patch. Especially if it resembled their tone from kill. :razz
Haha.... yeah it sucked. As soon as I hit the save button on the axe edit software I was like D'oh!!
That sounds crushing. What guitar/pickups did you use? What was the recording chain?
Thanks, hehehe if you were asking me :) It's my BC Rich Bich that's on my profile page. Neck thru NJ Classic Series all stock. I'll look at the recording chain again later today. My midi sport box is screwing up and I have to tweak thru the LCD screen on the Axe Fx...and I can't stand doing that. For me it takes forever. Guitar Center opens in two hours here, so that's where I'll be :)
Wow! Sounds brutal man! would you be willing to share the patch? Thanks!
Thank you. Yes, I'll share it. This is the share and request area hehehehe... please gimme a few hours as my midi situation is not working right now. I wish these Duets could of at least had a midi i/o.
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