Remote control of I/O Input Source???


Fractal Fanatic
Does there exist a command (midi, sysex) than can be sent to the Axe-FX XL that can change the value of the parameter in the I/O > Audio > Main Input Source field?

My goal is to set up a switch in my LG2 foot controller to toggle the value between "Analog (In 1)" and "USB".

I record the raw pickup signal via USB (monitoring the processed signal at the Main Output via my analog mixer), but wish to listen to the "reamped" processed signal on playback. I find myself toggling endlessly between "Analog" and "USB" using the front panel knob. If such a command exists, I can use one footswitch to toggle the value.

Unless I find a better workflow, I'm stuck with twirling the knob countless times while piecing together complex parts. I'm also curious as to whether anyone else spends considerable time toggling this parameter value while recording.

I'd also be interested in learning about how others design their workflow for reamping while working on songs. My constraint is that the workflow must allow for editing clips in a DAW (moving, trimming, etc.) during the process of recording, while continuously recording and playing back small segments of recorded guitar. I can, so far, find no efficient way of doing this.
I don't understand why you would need to do so much switching of the main input source. Did you know you can record both dry and wet simultaneously? I reamp with USB for most of my recordings. My usual workflow is (1) dial in Axe FX preset for approximate guitar tone, (2) record the track, capturing both the dry and wet guitar signals, (3) if necessary, correct mistakes using punch recording, (4) make any final adjustments to the Axe FX preset (5) reamp the entire track in one shot. With this workflow, you would only switch the main input source once. And since you're recording both dry and wet signals, you can always do mixing as you go, checking your wet guitar signal in the mix.
Yes, I have used that workflow. The problem for me is that I now have to edit two tracks instead of one, making sure to manipulate each one identically. For simple parts it's not a big deal. For complex ones, it becomes a major pain in the ass.

Another solution would be a DAW that allows me to link two tracks such that any edits made to one are made to the other (while allowing different input sources to each). I have found no such DAW. If it can be done in Reaper, I'm all ears. Thanks for the reply.

I'm currently selecting each pair of individually recorded items (raw and processed) in Reaper simultaneously for synched editing. I'm just looking for the easiest alternative possible. Since the LG can be programmed to send almost any commands imaginable, I figured I'd ask about the possibilities.
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I found a way to program a single switch on the LG2 to start recording in Reaper on the first press, then to stop recording and group all recorded items with a second press. It's a solution almost as good as remote foot toggle of the input source.

I almost bought a Guitar Wing for transport control. Foot switches are even better. Lightning fast workflow reamping with the Axe now.
Cool. I use the MFC for transport too. One switch to start recording and another to stop and delete all files for when I mess up.
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