Recording through USB into Logic Pro 9


New Member
Hey, I am new to this so forgive me/direct me if I am putting this in the wrong place. I did a search and could not come up with much.

I have my Axe-Fx II running into a Macbook Pro through USB. I can get it to record fine in logic straight from the Axe-Fx but it seems like the volume is really low. I am not sure if this is normal or not. Everything sounds great and I can boost the volume levels after the fact but I have my speakers turned way up to hear what I am recording, and if I go to record something with the keyboard plugged in then it is going to be way too loud, so I am trying to match these levels somewhat. The regions in logic dont show much activity happening as I record either which you would expect with some sort of input volume issue.

If anyone knows about how to fix this specific problem or just general help regarding getting this stuff to all work fairly seemlessly with Logic 9 I would definitely appreciate it.

Is your output level knob on the front of the AXE FX II turned all the way up? That's unity gain I think in the manual...
I have recorded in logic over usb with no problem. But if you record the dry (unprocessed )signal your in trouble. It seems like the constructor think's that the dry track should be weak in case of reamping. Othertwise just increase the amp output and check utility , output 1 or 2 output levels for almost peak.
What do you mean by "low"? The full scale on Logic is 0 dB = 0dBFS. 0dBu is about -18dBFS. The "+6dB" of "headroom" on logic don't exist. Anything above 0dB is clipped. If you;re getting a level of around -18dB, you're at the perfect recording level.
fixed it. Pat is right I guess I was just used to the way things recorded in another DAW I had previously used, thanks for the help.
To my knowledge, the output knob does not alter any volume to USB output - it's only to do with TRS output in the back + headphone out as far as I understand.

Cory (I am also running AXE FX II through Logic Pro 9 on my MBP), have you ever had any latency issues with Logic Pro 9? I have experinced inconsistent latencies which seem to be changing all the time, when it gets too high I just restart Logic so the problem goes away. My buffer setting was unchaged at 32. I wonder what is wrong?

BTW, hello all :mrgreen I'm new and proud user of AXE FX II!! Finally decided to take plunge and selling most of my gears :| But its well worth it!
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