Recording Studio C reverb

Joe Bfstplk

Have recently stumbled onto this reverb type. Is it based on or supposed to sound like a particular studio? Can't find any info to indicate what is supposed to be....
I'm guessing that Studios A,B,C are pretty common however the EMT 140 Reverb references A,B,C but I think they are choosing plates. Capitol Studios reference Studios A, B, C. Could be that.
I’d like it less, because C implies a few choices, whereas #36 would have too many choices. Plus, getting from Studio C and walking all the way down the hall and probably up a few flights of stairs would be tiring. And if it’s in LA, then it’s even farther. Probably in another building or even in another satellite city, which means getting into the car and into traffic.

On the other choice of Cliff’s mood... Let’s face it, he’s a creative and technical genius, an entrepreneur, a visionary, and a few more adulations, but it can’t always be a bed of roses. There are the challenges of difficult solutions, mundane management decisions, schedules, suppliers, having to read erroneous stuff like my post here in the forum, and some technical questions that can only be answered by saying (for the Nth time) “please read the manual”. So he’s going to have some bad days, where he could lash out with reverbs. However, based on his vast body of work so far, I’ll like whatever the man creates.
If you want an exact reverb sound from a certain live room (e.g. Abbey Road Studio 2), you can use the impulse response of that particular space with a convolution reverb plugin such as Apple Logic's Space Designer - which also has the tools to capture IRs.

I haven't checked but I'm assuming this is a feature that isn't currently included in the Axe-FX III.

Apologies I cannot shed any light on an answer to the original question.
Phrasing something argumentatively while trying to claim you didnt, doesnt make it less argumentative.

Fwiw i dont know what any of the specific reverb names are (london plate? Studio c?) But arent against finding out. I generally stick to a handful anyway.
If you want an exact reverb sound from a certain live room (e.g. Abbey Road Studio 2), you can use the impulse response of that particular space with a convolution reverb plugin such as Apple Logic's Space Designer - which also has the tools to capture IRs.

I haven't checked but I'm assuming this is a feature that isn't currently included in the Axe-FX III.

Apologies I cannot shed any light on an answer to the original question.

AxeFX3 has an IR player.

Might have to go search and see what IRs of various rooms I can find....
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