Recent UPDATE affecting tone?

As of late I've been checking changes across firmware versions with 2 AxeFX's. So I can A/B while playing (so that I can feel it) as well as while "Re-amping". From 8.02 to 9.00 (and then 9.01), my immediate reaction was that most presets (stock and my own) were worse in 9.x. But as is often the case, after reading the release notes, and realizing that if I turn the speaker compression to 0, I'd have more of the 8.02 sound on 9.x - so much so that it became hard to tell the difference between firmwares. As long as I can match the previous firmware sound that I like, I'll upgrade immediately. Other enhancements come along with it.

Anyway, after playing with speaker compression (and drive and delay) I've determined that it really works well for some amps sonically but turns others into a gritty mess. But that's the cool thing - you can choose what you want. The primary benefit I see/hear/feel from these changes is with FRFR and in certain mixes.
Anyway, after playing with speaker compression (and drive and delay) I've determined that it really works well for some amps sonically but turns others into a gritty mess.
Which amps don't you like with Speaker Compession?
My God what in the hell has happened to people??? Is EVERYONE offended by EVERYTHING these days!!! The word "retarded" is in fact, a real word. If you look it up in the dictionary it is slang for "stupid" or "foolish". He wasn't calling anybody a retard. He was referring to the situation he is in. To try to equate what he did with using the "N" word is just ridiculous. Find a REAL problem to be offended about. Jesus...

Uh-oh, I said "Jesus". You'd better find a safe place.
Hey man, there are lots of "real" words in the dictionary that are hurtful. Being in the dictionary doesn't make them less so.

I happen to have a son and a granddaughter with autism. After you see/hear people use the term "retard" or "retarded" in regards to your child or other special needs kids, you can become a little sensitive to it.

Just because it doesn't affect you personally doesn't mean it doesn't effect others.

I agree that the OP was not directing it at anyone and it didn't offend me personally, however it is still a frequently used slur or epithet just like many others that should really be eradicated from common use.
OMG this is so retarded. I'm still trying to get a hang of all this technical jargon. I've owned the Axe less than a year.

I'm going A wall right. I really didn't think this would affect anything. Its affected all my presets. They all sound like crap.

I followed someone's advice and reverted back to the older Firmware and judging by my downloads here on my MAC it seems like the last firmware I was using was 8.01. I don't know how to revert the Axe Edit to the previous update.

Anyway, It didn't seem to fix the problem, the tones didn't go back to how they sounded. In fact it deleted one of my presets in the process. Honestly I did not back up my presets.

I tried going back to FW 9 thinking this is a lost cause and I might as well try to tweak it from here on out but now it's not letting me go back to FW9 at this point.

I honestly had no idea it would affect this much, Axe Edit is always asking me to update so I did along with updating the firmware thinking it would have no affect in a bad way.

I know I'm stupid, and you're all crossing your arms telling me I'm an idiot.

God I just want to jump off a bridge right now.

Easy tiger.

Just work with the new FW to match the tone as close as you can with what you were getting before.
These FW updates are not monumental seismic shifts.Most people feel the new FW sounds better than anything we were using before, but it has all been really pretty good for a few years.:D

It is not that big a deal. I doubt you were recording a track for Taylor Swift and are going to now get canned and lose $50,000.
Here is a direct copy and paste of the Quantum_Release_Notes included in the 9.01 Release version ZIP folder:

Copy and paste of the Quantum_Release_Notes included in 9.01 Beta 1 ZIP folder:

Yep, that was mentioned in the release notes but fixed in beta 2 . Keep in mind the original changes mentioned were provided as part of beta 1 so the release notes are a culmination of everything that happened up to the point of release.
There you go. Good job busting out the R word. Perhaps you can work in the N word in your next response. Don't be surprised if people ignore your request when you offend large swaths of people who know and help people with mental handicaps.

What's the N word? I know my my mechanic retarded the idling on my car. When he said this I said "No, you are using a word that people without any logic or critical thinking apply to their ideology as something offensive."
Hey man, there are lots of "real" words in the dictionary that are hurtful. Being in the dictionary doesn't make them less so.

I happen to have a son and a granddaughter with autism. After you see/hear people use the term "retard" or "retarded" in regards to your child or other special needs kids, you can become a little sensitive to it.

Just because it doesn't affect you personally doesn't mean it doesn't effect others.

I agree that the OP was not directing it at anyone and it didn't offend me personally, however it is still a frequently used slur or epithet just like many others that should really be eradicated from common use.

I don't think the OP is attacking people with autism. In the context of what he is saying is that he feels slow and dumb. That's what the word means, to slow down.
I don't think the OP is attacking people with autism. In the context of what he is saying is that he feels slow and dumb. That's what the word means, to slow down.

Easy to say coming from someone who's screen name shares the last three letters of the R word.
I don't think the OP is attacking people with autism. In the context of what he is saying is that he feels slow and dumb. That's what the word means, to slow down.
I agree with your first sentence, but that is not the point.

The context the OP used the word was in self reference as a derogatory term. There are several definitions of the word "retard" or "retarded", but the common use is not that which you mentioned in your previous post as in related to slowing down (such as the timing of a car, or a section of music).

In any case, as I said in my earlier post, I was not offended... But I was trying to provide some context on why some people might.

Now, let's get back to talking about Fractal stuff! :)
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