reamp doubt



I'm about to start recording guitars for a project, have the Axe FxII for several months, but only now I'm having the time to update, and get used to it (the joys of fatherhood :))

I will record the guitars using the reamp method, but I'm still in doubt about the routing configuration. Since the project is already in 44k I ruled out using the Axe Fx II USB port(48khz) reamp recommendation, and instead i'm going to record via analog outs.

I have an whirlwind IMP2 Direct box, should I use it in the chain or is it unnecessary/useless?

The imp2 connections are: 1/4inch parallel input/output and a balanced XLR output.

gtr >> axe fx 2 UNBALANCED output >> DI box >> audio interface BALANCED input

can you guys shed some light?

huge thanks :mrgreen :mrgreen
Why not use USB and resample? Much simpler, I think.

If you want a different rate, let your computer resample. Modelers always have a native sample rate. If they are offering different output sample rates then they are just resampling. Modern software resamplers are better.
I could really use help with a similar situation.

I'm about to track some electric guitars using my MacBookPro, onto a mostly acoustic CD project which has been recorded in ProTools, at 96K. Like the OP, I had previously assumed I would need to go analog for recording and reamping. I own an MBox3, and have access to a Millennia TD-1 unit, which I've been assuming should make the analog reamp approach do-able.

I assume Cliff's suggestion was a quote from another thread, on a similar topic? I never saw it before now, and never realized that re-sampling was a practical alternative for my situation. I'm also not bright enough to know how I would go about doing this.

I certainly don't wish to hijack the OP's thread... but I get the feeling that the same advice would help both of us. TIA for any detailed suggestions!
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