Real JP2C Cab Clone into Axe III?


I've been reading about the Cab Clone output from my JP2C and wanting to try it. Anyone know if I can safely run from the Cab Clone out to an input on the Axe III, essentially using the Axe as the recording interface? Thoughts?
I thought cab simulation (limited I understand) was part of the cab clone output on the JP2C. Am I wrong?
Cliff, a question that you surely have an answer for:
If i put a DI box (one which can accept speaker level signals and pad it down to line level) between an amp and a cab, the amp still "sees" the speaker impedance curve or is it altered?
And the signal I get out of the DI box line out has already the effect of the impedance curve "baked in", right?

Sorry for the approximative language but I didn't know how to better put the question :sweatsmile:
Cliff, a question that you surely have an answer for:
If i put a DI box (one which can accept speaker level signals and pad it down to line level) between an amp and a cab, the amp still "sees" the speaker impedance curve or is it altered?
And the signal I get out of the DI box line out has already the effect of the impedance curve "baked in", right?

Sorry for the approximative language but I didn't know how to better put the question :sweatsmile:
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