Rammstein-Duhast 3.03


Oyyyyyyyyyyyyyy To gragaoooo con el AXEFX_II. La base de Rammstein de Mairena, las Guitarras regrabadas con el el AXEFXII y una Ibanez Universe Green Dot. Only eso, illo.

Sounds good man, it sounds like it it's just single tracked, perhaps try a double-tracked recording (with less gain on each track) and let's hear it roooar! :p
are two different tracks. A left to right another. across multiple shots, but a different track for each channel.
Mesa red right and left mesa new. the same cab. The same guitar ...........
I am not seeking a sound, if not closer to the original, out of curiosity. By playing around.
Thanks for your comment:p;)
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Hey dude, you are definitely in the ball park. I was A/Bing your track against the original and it seems like yours has more high end fizz and less low end. You've got plenty of bite but not enough growl. If this is your take on it though I've got no complaints! :) Great playing though!
I have the original tracks with guitars only. And there is nothing like the sound you've recorded jajajajaja. Rammstein, for me it has a great guitar sound, but if a good mix. I was curious to see what he could do with the Axe II and uncomplicated much.
I used the same guitar and the same cab. In the original safe to use two different guitars and different cabinet and micro, s.
The sound not is identical, only similar.
thank you very much for listening. I'm still investigating, this wonder device. Axe fx II sound is the beast of jajajajaja.
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I was under impression that the guitars on this track were recorded with a Sansamp. Nothing to back that up, not a Rammstein fan, but I have the guitar only track somewhere and without the mix around it it's one of THE worst sounding tracks ever recorded.
The way the high frequencies roll off seemed very, Cab-sim-ish to me.
Pre-Ir cab sim, that is.

Like a Red Box. ugh...
effectively. As stated in the network, used the Sansamp that record to record. Hence the difficulty to make a sound identical. Right track, it sounds like amplifier, with the (retifier red) AXEFX good results easily. But the track actually sounds like a Sansamp left, trying to make the sound so bad AXEFX is a nightmare.
If it is of any constellation, I am pretty sure they used Guitar Rig back then and I think they still do believe it or not, goes to show the importance of mixing and production too eh!
I used the guitar ring, with the expansion of rammfier and no color. I have not recorded with the samples or their website.:roll
If it is of any constellation, I am pretty sure they used Guitar Rig back then and I think they still do believe it or not, goes to show the importance of mixing and production too eh!

not really. Rammstein has this completely un-moving, un-dynamic lifeless 'brick' sound. fits their music well, but not a good guitar sound IMO.

anyway, if I were to recreate this on the Axe, I'd probably go Metal Zone -> Recto Cab or even Metal Zone -> PEQ (the PEQ mimicking a Red Box/Sansamp like 'speaker sim', in essence a lowpass filter) and maybe even a limiter

an amp block would always make the sound to pretty.
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