R E B O O T (Tuner @ heel down causing lockups)

Spoke too soon, sadly. Happened this morning during a set while not connected to a computer. Shoot.
I would do this:
reinstall firmware
reinstal preset
factory reset

You have no problem with the temperature of FM9? Maybe it's overheating?

You cannot simply rule out a hardware fault in your FM9.
I would do this:
reinstall firmware
reinstal preset
factory reset

You have no problem with the temperature of FM9? Maybe it's overheating?

You cannot simply rule out a hardware fault in your FM9.
Probably should, thanks.
Definitely shouldn’t be a heat issue. Always in a climate-controlled environment so far.
It's also entirely possible you have a faulty unit.

Talk to Fractal support. Back and forth on the forums about the semantics of whether or not it's a bug isn't gonna be helpful to anyone really.
Either way, Fractal support are the people to talk to, especially if nobody here can duplicate the problem (or very few people at most), which would indicate a hardware problem.
Well it happened again live TWICE this morning with an entirely different preset so, I guess I’m leaning firmware issue now.
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Ok, worth noting.
Someone that has experienced the same issue just told me he was suspicious of the “tuner on heel down” feature when his happened and he has since changed it.

I use that feature and was doing a lot of volume swells when it happened. Could be something there…
@LeeEvansIV had the exact same issue today and had just turned on the Tuner at heel down feature days ago.

Has anyone @FractalAudio looked into lockup’s specific to this feature? I’ve now found ~10 guys who have experienced this issue, all who had that option selected and subsequently removed it to fix the issue. It’s a shame because it’s a handy feature.
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