Quick question regarding new firmware(s)


hello all,
I know we've had quite a wave with 3.0x, it took me some getting used to but it was so worth it. My only question is: I was always a little confused about making sure my amps are the V3 variants, and not somehow still V2. I just flashed 3.03 from 3.02. Is there a quick and dirty way I can verify that all my amps are V3? I know about setting each amp preset back and then forward once to reset the amps, but I was hoping maybe a master reset or something would guarantee that I'm hearing what I should be hearing.

tl;dr- trying to avoid aviod "you think that sounds good? wait'll you push this mysterious button" situation
thanks guys
Once you've loaded fw 3 on your Axe-Fx, everything is "version 3".
Reselecting the amp just initializes the adv. amp settings.
so if you cycle thru every amp model in one patch will that reset everyone, or is it on an individual patch basis? (go to patch ,cycle the model)
sorry! :(
Reselect the 'active' amp in each preset (do this for X and Y if you're using both).
For presets that have amps set to global amps, you only need to do this once for each global amp.
Reselect the 'active' amp in each preset (do this for X and Y if you're using both).
For presets that have amps set to global amps, you only need to do this once for each global amp.

Sorry if I am not getting it.

1) Let's say I select the Stock preset 38 ODS 100 Lead.
2) I have to cycle through all amp models to reset them all and I am good to go,
3) OR, I have to change amp models and change it back again for EVERY individual Preset I use (stock or User)?
I give up.... ;-)

Sorry- but your directions above

"Reselect the 'active' amp in each preset (do this for X and Y if you're using both).
For presets that have amps set to global amps, you only need to do this once for each global amp."

seem to indicate that one might have to walk through every single preset.

You have always been incredibly helpful and we can't thank you enough, but I think a lot (well maybe some) :) people are still confused here.
I am a long time Ultra and now AXE II user.
This part has never been very clear.
Per preset. There have been changes and the default settings often change. When you toggle back and forth you reset to the current firmwares defaults. If you have two amps in the patch you need to do both. You can certainly go through all the amps available to the patch but why would you? If you should change the amp to another at a later time it will reset then.
But if I have a patch where I've changed the default settings, then I don't want to reset, right?

Edit: I guess the answer is, I should "reset" the amp for all the stock patches, but for patches that have been altered from stock you should test them first and probably not.
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You don't have to do anything to your amp blocks for this new firmware. Just leave your presets alone.

With all my respect Cliff, but with your new firmware you lowered all the triode and powertube hardness on all the amps in the adv. amp setting block!!! ...
It sure sounded different on the one patch I have tried in cycling the amp choice in the amp block. Maybe it changed some of my advanced parameters. Will have to check next time I get to play.
With all my respect Cliff, but with your new firmware you lowered all the triode and powertube hardness on all the amps in the adv. amp setting block!!! ...

Are you sure about this?

If the default values of the powertube and triode hardness is 5.000 (and last time i checked them i am pretty sure they were both set on 5.000) then the new firmware definitely didn't change the values in my presets...
Are you sure about this?

If the default values of the powertube and triode hardness is 5.000 (and last time i checked them i am pretty sure they were both set on 5.000) then the new firmware definitely didn't change the values in my presets...

If you change to another amp and change back you'll see those numbers change.
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