Quick MIDI question


I just got an Axe FX Ultra today. Been playing with it and for the most part it's pretty intuitive. I have ran into a small roadblock and hopefully someone can help. I have it set up so it has 4 banks with 8 IA choices. I have it all set up on Channel 1. For the 1 bank (Clean amp) everything is fine for bank 2 (mid gain) everything is still mapped like bank 1. So for instance, switch 3 is chorus for both. Now for midgain I'd like to put a trem in place of the chorus but I can't. If I map it to trem then I can't switch chorus on and off on bank 1. I'm sure there's some easy solution to this but I'm not quite getting it. Hopefully someone can chime in with some wisdom. Thanks.
4 presets. The large numbered switches on the bottom row 1-2-3-4. Each one is a preset. So the first switch activates preset #1 on the Axe. The eight other switches just turn effects on and off. The problem is, as of now, that they're the same for every preset. I'm sure there's a way that each preset can have its own different effects turned on and off. So what might be a chorus on switch 3 in preset 1 could be a tremolo on switch 3 in preset 2.
Sounds like you mean the MFC.. not a Std/Ultra.. tho' that may be what your are controlling.
IF it's an MFC.. the answer to your question is no... IA (in AxeFx) mode are fixed.
If the block they are assigned to is NOT in the current preset.. there will be no red/green light displayed. The LED is red if the block exists, but is off, and green if exists and on.
You can assign any of the available blocks to any of the IA's, but they cannot be CHORUS in one preset and REVERB in a second.
Yes the GCP, I know it well....you are running it in 4/8 mode, instead of 10 presets. The IA's you are assigning are global for the GCP, they cannot be changed per 'bank' as you are trying to do. A workaround that I used when I used that unit would be to go into the AXE settings and reassign the Trem/chorus CC# to be the same....so that way when you step on IA#3 it triggers CC# 75 (just an example CC#)...so whatever patch you have turned on....it will turn on/off either the chorus or trem. So patch with chorus will respond....if the it has the Trem effect, it will respond.

NOW.....if you have both, and you need it to swap between Trem/CHorus as in trem - on/chorus-off, and trem - off/chorus-on, then you will need to make sure you save that patch in the AXE with the correct starting sequence...as it should then alternate between the two scenarios I just mentioned.

get it?
Another option is setting them up as Externals (there are 8 in the I/O menu) instead of specific block bypasses. Then per preset you can make an external bypass any block(s) or do various other things.
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