Question about Shreddy Death Metal tone "fizziness"?

Tests from other users presets off axe change

for the hell of it i auditioned a bunch of user presets that demonstrated the fizz/crackle issue, so i know it's not just me. you can listen above (if you want to do that to yourself) WAY more fizziness towards the end too btw not much in the begining.
A lot of this sounds like electrical interference, to me. Check your ground lift button? Sorry if that’s been mentioned before…
Tests from other users presets off axe change

for the hell of it i auditioned a bunch of user presets that demonstrated the fizz/crackle issue, so i know it's not just me. you can listen above (if you want to do that to yourself) WAY more fizziness towards the end too btw not much in the begining.
I listened to the examples and honestly, that level of fizz/crackle seem pretty understandable to me, considering the amount of gain that I hear in those examples. Also, I tried a few higher gain Factory Presets with the same guitar that I tried your preset with and I had some of that fizz and crackle as well. I think a large part of it is the nature of a lot of gain in combination with the lights in my room and my proximity towards my computer setup, which all contribute to extra noise. When I turn away from my setup, virtually all of the noise goes away. That might be something to experiment with in your setup. Proximity to electrical devices that add noise.

So, with all of that said, in the preset you provided, that I tried, I'm not surprised at all by the level of noise you are encountering. If you have that much gain and signal going into the output, completely clipping it, then yes, you will have a lot of fizz and crackle. But that's okay, because it doesn't take a lot of adjustments to reduce that noise while retaining the kind of tone you are going for.
Here you go

Here's another video, this time using the latest preset you posted, again showing that simply turning down the levels on the amp and cab fixes the clipping issue. amp

You managed to turn up the amps and cabs even louder and clip even harder than the earlier presets despite multiple people telling you to turn down the amps.

Tests from other users presets off axe change

for the hell of it i auditioned a bunch of user presets that demonstrated the fizz/crackle issue, so i know it's not just me. you can listen above (if you want to do that to yourself) WAY more fizziness towards the end too btw not much in the begining.
Not one of these recordings is clipping how the latest preset you posted is.

If you're not trolling then I'm not sure what to tell you.
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Aeser, I know that you mentioned that the sound you are going for is a death metal sound. While I don't indulge too much in that area, one of my favorites might be of some use to you. Here is "Heir Apparent" by Opeth and here is the studio mix being broken down:

While isolated, we hear that the guitars don't have a lot of gain to them, in the mix however, they sound powerful and fit really well. The point is, I think you can have your death metal tone, while reducing the noise, by making a couple of pretty simple adjustments within your preset and possibly in your playing environment. Hope this helps in some way.
I toyed around a bit with scene 1 a bit. I think the tone your going for is there. I would personally tweak it a bit more but I'm no expert by any means.
Thank you for messing with this. I'm still actually getting a tiny tiny bit of that fizzy air but nowhere near like i was before. awesome job! so i noticed you removed the compressor, put a gate in (i was just using the input block as a gate) and bypassed the drive block and turned off the saturation in the preamp, i tried replicating what i noticed you did on my original one but it still sounds very dull compared to yours, do you remember anything else you did? that gate block seemed to make a huge difference. Thanks!
"Here's another video, this time using the latest preset you posted, again showing that simply turning down the levels on the amp and cab fixes the clipping issue. amp"

link doesn't work, get:
"Error (500)
Something went wrong. Don't worry, your files are still safe and the Dropbox team has been notified. Check out our Status Page to see if there is a known incident, our Help Center and forums for help, or head back to home."

"You managed to turn up the amps and cabs even louder and clip even harder than the earlier presets despite multiple people telling you to turn down the amps."

they asked for a newer version of the preset, i didn't turn it up in response to this thread, it's how the preset had ended up after months of tweaking it, i was aware there was an issue hence making this thread. See this is how you sound condescending and i don't believe it's just you joking around. people tend to tune you out when you act like that toward them.

Not one of these recordings is clipping how the latest preset you posted is.

If you're not trolling then I'm not sure what to tell you."

the later ones absolutely are.
I also tur
Thank you for messing with this. I'm still actually getting a tiny tiny bit of that fizzy air but nowhere near like i was before. awesome job! so i noticed you removed the compressor, put a gate in (i was just using the input block as a gate) and bypassed the drive block and turned off the saturation in the preamp, i tried replicating what i noticed you did on my original one but it still sounds very dull compared to yours, do you remember anything else you did? that gate block seemed to make a huge difference. Thanks!
I turned down the depth and bass. High gain guitars only need enough where it's audible or you lose the high end and mids. If you want I'll make another preset using your amp and cabs to what I would do.
I had to reduce the level of each amp and cab path by about 20 dB just to get it down to a reasonable output level and avoid huge amounts of clipping.

Two tools that will help you out a ton:

1. Grid Meters page. On the front panel, go to the grid view and page to the right to the Meters page. That will show the input level (blue) and output level (green) for each block on the grid. Generally you want to keep those levels roughly the same (unity gain) for each block unless you are specifically trying to boost the signal (like with a drive block).

2. OUT Block output meter. Each OUT block has an output meter with a 0 dB line on it. Use that to set your preset levels to ensure you still have ample headroom in your preset. Axe Edit also has a related tool in the Tools menu, the Preset Leveling Tool. It shows that same output meter and has control to adjust the amp block level parameter on one screen. Use that to balance the level of all of your presets
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  • Loud sound from output make loud sound in DAW
  • Loud sound make speaker go brrrr and go fzzz
  • That not good, no want loud sound, want quieter sound, make DAW happy, make Cliff happy
  • Output block show sound well above 0dB. That bad. That no good. Make block show below 0db. That good.
  • Above 0dB is FIRE. That bad. Do not want fire. No fire is good.
You talked about clipping on on the guitar input with the input level, but it's very possible for you to be clipping on the output of the AXE, or your interface, or in your DAW. This is why everyone is saying the levels should be lower.

Keep the signal level inside the AXE and at the output at/below 0dB, and then turn it up at your speakers if you want it louder. With your current levels you were likely clipping either the output of the Axe of your interface's input or the bus in your DAW.
My house when I tried the preset:

explosion GIF
A lot of this sounds like electrical interference, to me. Check your ground lift button? Sorry if that’s been mentioned before…

I believe you're right by the sound of it. Stupid question but where might i find the ground lift button? Thanks!
You talked about clipping on on the guitar input with the input level, but it's very possible for you to be clipping on the output of the AXE, or your interface, or in your DAW. This is why everyone is saying the levels should be lower.

Keep the signal level inside the AXE and at the output at/below 0dB, and then turn it up at your speakers if you want it louder. With your current levels you were likely clipping either the output of the Axe of your interface's input or the bus in your DAW.

As I've said many times now i am aware they are insanely loud and warned people as such, and once finding the preset leveling tool i went through them all turning all of them down to a sane level (as well as doing many other things mentioned here to eliminate the fizz, which worked excellently to varying degrees preset to preset (on some it totally eliminated it, on some i had to do much more, on some i still can't get rid of it). But thank you all for all your advice besides the obvious just "turn it down".
again i don't know how this devolved into some fictional argument between me and everyone else about everyone saying to turn the volume down and me petulently saying "NO!". I said from dy one that the presets were too loud to warn people when they were to test them that that they were insanely loud, and yes i DID try "just turning them doen" before making this thread and believe it or not that's not it, it STILL maked the fizzy grinding rattling air noise on many presets regardless, but however doing a lot of the OTHER things people mentioned DID help, and i listed many of them. I guess it's simpler and more fun to make it this battle between the forum and me saying "haha dummy just turn it down" and me saying "NO! I WILL NOT!" when I agreed it was too loud before any of you said a word about it, and if that were it i'd be done with the issue.
again i don't know how this devolved into some fictional argument between me and everyone else about everyone saying to turn the volume down and me petulently saying "NO!". I said from dy one that the presets were too loud to warn people when they were to test them that that they were insanely loud, and yes i DID try "just turning them doen" before making this thread and believe it or not that's not it, it STILL maked the fizzy grinding rattling air noise on many presets regardless, but however doing a lot of the OTHER things people mentioned DID help, and i listed many of them. I guess it's simpler and more fun to make it this battle between the forum and me saying "haha dummy just turn it down" and me saying "NO! I WILL NOT!" when I agreed it was too loud before any of you said a word about it, and if that were it i'd be done with the issue.
No disrespect intended. I actually downloaded all of your patches and found some good things to use in my other patches. 🤘🏻
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