Question About MFC, Patch switching/multiple changes

I am using the X/Y to go from clean to lead.

I put AMP XY, DRIVE 2 XY and DELAY2 XY. on the same CC(set it on the AXE) Leave the drive and delay on all the time and dial in the X-version of them to make no sound. diall in the Y version to be the lead setting. This way I can switch from clean to lead on one button. And back again.
Delay-spillover and everything. NO switching delay....


I am experimenting a bit, and I've gotten something sort of close-- Switch 1 has X/Y for an amp, and switch 2 disables amp one, and enables amp two. I'm wondering simply, is there a way to set up the switches so that:

switch 1 enables X of amp 1 (and disables amp 2)
switch 2 enables Y of amp 1 (and disables amp 2)
switch 3 enables X of amp 2 (and disables amp 1)
switch 4 enables Y of amp 2 (and disables amp 1)

Each button can only do 2 commands at once, is this correct? C1 and C2 for each button in the MFC midi setup? There's no way to say, make switch one always do 5 things, like, switch to amp 1, disable amp 2, enable chorus, disable delay?
You can do bypass & XY with 2 CCs on each switch by setting them up as a linked group. The "on" values for each switch should be like this:

Switch 1: Amp 1 Bypass 127, Amp 1 X/Y 127
Switch 2: Amp 1 Bypass 127, Amp 1 X/Y 0
Switch 3: Amp 2 Bypass 127, Amp 2 X/Y 127
Switch 4: Amp 2 Bypass 127, Amp 2 X/Y 0

And the "off" values should all have 0 for the amp bypass. Off value doesn't matter for XY.

Custom messages can add 5 more CCs per IA. This won't update other IA switches though, so you might still want to consider preset mapping if any of these effects are also on separate IAs.
Yeah, it seems like X/Y has a delay I can tolerate between parts/in a song, but patch switching doesn't. But some guys are saying they have absolutely no delay between switching actual patches/presets. So I'm wondering now with those responses if it's actually a possibility to achieve this. If it is, problem solved. Really very curious on this now as it would be much simpler than trying to work everything into one preset.

There is a small delay. I last measured it ~30ms with 6.02. It has the same amount of delay as X/Ying an Amp block. However it seems smoother in your case because your were going to slightly different effects setting in the stock presets and maybe delay/reverb spillover is off.

I try to adhere to the one preset per song philosophy when possible to make things a bit smoother and use less presets on the Axe-fx, more on the foot controller (one axe-fx preset may be used on many foot controller presets with different effects combos on or off) .
IMO it should be possible to have e.g. 3 patches (clean, dirty, lead) and switch between them seamlessly. I could do it with my ME-50. I could do it with my GSP1101. I could do it with my Tremoverb (well, two channels anyway). Alas I can't do it with my Axe II and for me it's a real shame because my head just works better dealing with separate patches.
Again, IMO, I'd find X/Y limiting because you'd be confined to 1 clean sound and 1 gain sound, whereas using patches you can have as many as you like and switch between them at will. Just my 2c.

It seems like when I tried setting up say the first 3 buttons as a custom map to all select the same preset, there was even still the same delay as changing presets. X/Y is definitely a quicker change in my experience here. I am trying what bakerman said in his last message, I can manage to get button 1 to select amp 1 x and button 2 to select amp 1 y, but after I hit the button it stays green (i.e. button 1 and 2 can be green simultaneously), and I have to do a whole mess of changing button pressing to go back and forth. I must be doing something wrong with the midi set up. Ideally it would be:

press button 1, it turns green, lights 2 and 3 turn off if they were on, and amp 1 x is selected, all other amps off
press button 2, it turns green, lights 1 and 3 turn off if they were on, and amp 1 y is selected, all other amps off
press button 3, it turns green, lights 1 and 2 turn off if they were on, and amp 2 x is selected, all other amps off
and i suppose a 4th amp choice if it was wanted, amp 2 y on the 4th button like this

Should this be the final outcome if I'm setting the MIDI correctly? I have been checking the manuals as well, trying my best to make most of this work on my own.
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It seems like when I tried setting up say the first 3 buttons as a custom map to all select the same preset, there was even still the same delay as changing presets.

For this to work make sure that in the Axe-FX I/O: MIDI menu, IGNORE REDUNDANT PC is on. There shouldn't be any dropout then, aside from that of amp XY switching if used.

Ideally it would be:

press button 1, it turns green, lights 2 and 3 turn off if they were on, and amp 1 x is selected, all other amps off
press button 2, it turns green, lights 1 and 3 turn off if they were on, and amp 1 y is selected, all other amps off
press button 3, it turns green, lights 1 and 2 turn off if they were on, and amp 2 x is selected, all other amps off

They'll work that way if set up as a linked group. See MFC manual section 5.4, Switch Links.
I got the link switching to work... it's perfect! Last question I promise... I noticed the manual says, and I did this myself as well with it set up:"Any currently selected switch in link group may be switched OFF at any time." Any possible way to disable this? So that if I hit the switch with it on, it simply stays on and does nothing? Just another behavior I'm used to with certain foot pedals, and if there is an option for this somewhere that'd be awesome. Don't want to accidentally turn off *all* amps by doing that-- I'm sure really this would not even be an issue but my OCD-ness is kicking in!

Truly appreciate all the help. Thank you again!
"Any currently selected switch in link group may be switched OFF at any time." Any possible way to disable this? So that if I hit the switch with it on, it simply stays on and does nothing?

No. I think it used to work that way but got changed to the current style.

If you change the IA setup slightly you can avoid a no-amp state. Edit each IA's "off" state to send nothing--change CC values to "OFF" instead of 0, delete any custom data. Then have each "on" command include everything that potentially needs to change. That will mean adding an Amp 2 bypass (0 value) command to each Amp 1 switch and vice versa, because when you switch between amp numbers the previous switch won't be shutting its own amp off anymore. You'll have to include the same effect bypass CCs on every switch for similar reasons--can't have something like a drive CC on the lead sound switch only, or it won't shut off when you choose another amp setting. It will still be possible to turn the current switch off, it just won't change anything about the sound.
I don't have any delay preset switching on the MFC at all. What kind of structure do you have in your presets.. ??
If you have one of those "I've got every block in the template for convenience" presets, then there might be some delay, but for switching the standard Factory presets (eg: 1st 50 in Bank A) there's no latency at all for me.

Do you have AxeEdit connected/running while this is going on? If so, disconnect it.
Are you connected to Axe via Expansion port or MIDI interface ?

Thanks for this tip--I was having horrific delay and dropout when switching from one preset to another--simply closing Axe-Edit fixed the issue.
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