QSC HPR 122i vs Verve 12ma

Jay Mitchell said:
If you want "quick and dirty" or "plug and play," the Axe-Fx is probably not the best tool for the job. If, OTOH, you can recognize the sounds you want to create when you hear them, and if you're willing to invest the required up-front time, nothing else even comes close. You will find that the learning curve ceases to be a major factor a few months into the experience, and creating new presets will take successively less time.

I don't agree with this statement any more. I tried an Axe about a year ago. I plugged it into my guitar rig and returned the Axe the next day. About a month ago I decided to give it another try but this time, I did some research and realized the Axe is designed to be used with FRFR monitors which are relatively flat (not vocal monitors which are too midrangey). When I set up the system, I spent a day going through most of the presets and found half a dozen usable patches right out of the box and within a week, I was using the system live!

I think that if you use the Axe with a suitable monitor (The FBT 12ma in stereo), you could use stock patches and still sound better than most of the guitar rigs out there.
mitch236 said:
I don't agree with this statement any more.
What part of it? That the Axe-Fx is probably not the best tool for a "plug 'n' play" kinda guy? It's not like I made an absolute, unqualified generalization.

I tried an Axe about a year ago. I plugged it into my guitar rig and returned the Axe the next day.
Which was probably the best thing for you to do at the time.

About a month ago I decided to give it another try but this time, I did some research and realized the Axe is designed to be used with FRFR monitors
Actually, it is designed to be used with a wide variety of amplification rigs, including guitar amps and cabs. Which type of rig you use makes a huge difference in how you'll want to set it up, but it can work through almost anything.

which are relatively flat (not vocal monitors which are too midrangey).
Now there's a sweeping generalization that is wrong. Vocal monitors are not in general "too midrangey" or too anything else, for that matter. Some of them - apparently including the one you chose - are quite neutral-sounding.

I think that if you use the Axe with a suitable monitor (The FBT 12ma in stereo),
IOW, a vocal monitor.

I think it's great that you found a way to use factory presets, but I also think that you just happened to get a seven when you rolled the dice. Regardless of the amplification system you use, it is likely that, to get your "ideal sounds," you will eventually have to learn how to build your own presets. Once you're doing that, the Axe-Fx will really come into its own.
Sorry if you misunderstood my response but let's face it, there is no "plug and play" tool for a guitar. I've had many amps and all of them needed some tweaking/pedals to get the sound right. If you want a "plug and play" solution to guitar, I guess you could try Guitar Hero!

Yes, you are right about my mis-statement about monitors. Yes, technically they are all monitors and can and are used for many instruments, including vocals. What I was comparing the Verves to was the typical monitor I've been exposed to which is usually a low end monitor that is good enough for the singer to hear his voice.

I never said the Axe couldn't be made to work with just about any amplification/speaker setup one chooses but ultimately, if you want the easiest rig to "plug and play" with the Axe, then using a FRFR setup in stereo is the answer.
We're dying to hear these comparisons.

I just ordered my Axe-FX and about to order a FRFR speaker setup and scratching my head right now as to which one to go with.

PLEASE let us know what you have found.
MisterE said:

might wanna take a look at the LEM T-4MA.
Also Italian, coaxial design.
I compared it to the QSC and liked it a lot more.
So did everyone else who listened at both speakers.
Another Italian company!

LEM never had a huge reputation in Holland. bit of a budget brand. Actually neither had FBT, RCF had a bit better rep. Mostly because of the GEM home organs of the 70s I guess, same company. LEM amplifiers were widely used because they were the cheapest things out there before the chinese came in. I heard a demo of a LEM mid size PA 'bout 10 years ago that really impressed me, but that system never caught on that I know of. I think it's a reputation problem. They're not called Meyer.

I told my brother about the FBTs and he was like "Huh? Aren't they budget speakers? Can't be much good."

I think those T4MA's aren't very pretty...
RCarter said:
Dutch said:
Another Italian company!
:mrgreen: Italy rocks!!

Dutch said:
LEM never had a huge reputation in Holland. bit of a budget brand.
Same here, we have a couple of LEM monitors (not T4MA) and they are not great
Of course that doesn't mean T4MA aren't good...

Still curious to the comparisons.
And when is that Atomic FR coming already! Not thrilled about the tubes thing.
I heard a demo of a LEM mid size PA 'bout 10 years ago that really impressed me

Recently Deltavox and and some onther companies did a comparison between different sets amongst wich was the LEM set.
It was by far the cheapest but best and most neutral sounding according to the guy at Deltavox.
All participants were in agreement over this.

I guess they have a budget rep because they don't follow the it's-got-to-be-expensive-to-be-good trend.
I've tried the T4-MA's against the QSC's, RCF's and Mackies and the LEM's clearly won.
I actually went to Delatvox to buy the QSC's based on what I've read on this forum.
They had the QSC's but convinced me to try some other monitors as well.
I've compared them in a our rehearsal room and everyone found the LEM's to be the best sounding.

They have a cheap line that doesn't sound as good asthe Titanium series but the problem is that people either buy these or som other cheapos but when they've got enough cash to spend, they immediately look at the more expensive brands.

No one seems to care for the value for money then.
Expensive is good.
This is the same trend I'm seeing here.
I've mentioned the T4MA's many times, even offerded some people to come and try them but everyone seems to ignore them.
They are of the same design as the FBT's but are a lot cheaper.

Give them a try and compare them to other popular models.
Let your ears decide. And your wallet will be happy ;-)
MisterE said:
Let your ears decide. And your wallet will be happy ;-)
You know your Dutchmen, E!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Only thing is the looks of it. :D
As any guitarist I prefer a PRS carvetop 5A quilt maple to a Gibson LP Junior... Looks matter even to a cheap Dutchman.

May be an option to buy this thing and stick the speaker and electronics into a more amp-like box. Fold-out bar on the back to tilt it. Got it all figured out.
But then I essentially have an SS version of the Atomic FR. I wonder what that thing is really going to cost whenever it'll be out.
Dutch said:
And when is that Atomic FR coming already! Not thrilled about the tubes thing.

That was the nail in the coffin for me. It's not like the SS monitors aren't good. Great in fact. I really don't want to start down the tube path again. That's why I went with the AxeFx. I think the Fratomic product should be high quality SS based products and they should offer a product that you could mount the Axe into and make it a combo!
I am seriously considering purchasing a single FBT 12ma. I am currently playing in a rock cover band using a pair of Mackie SRM-450's. I would need to sell both to fund the FBT. Not sure if it will be worth the hassle and worried about if I will miss stereo.
mesaboog said:
I am seriously considering purchasing a single FBT 12ma. I am currently playing in a rock cover band using a pair of Mackie SRM-450's. I would need to sell both to fund the FBT. Not sure if it will be worth the hassle and worried about if I will miss stereo.

Dude, if it makes you feel any better I'm selling my Mullard loaded Voc AC30 TBX to fund the FBT. Also, I don't care if I'm monitoring in mono, but you can still send the stereo feed out to FOH. Best of both worlds! :D

I'll post a review on Sunday when I can use it for the first time.
mesaboog said:
I am seriously considering purchasing a single FBT 12ma. I am currently playing in a rock cover band using a pair of Mackie SRM-450's. I would need to sell both to fund the FBT. Not sure if it will be worth the hassle and worried about if I will miss stereo.

Stereo is awesome. How about a pair of the newly endorsed 8ma's?
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