Fixed Q3.02 Supremo Trem bright switch bug?


Master of RTFM
So I was just noodling around with the Supremo Trem model, and when I disabled the Bright switch I got a weird high pitch frequency that started ringing out and then got some strange radio type of oscillation going too.

As soon as the Bright switch is enabled it stops. Starts again when disabled.

All of this with the guitar plugged in but volume completely off.

I made a short video on my iPhone but having a challenge uploading... Will try again in a bit.

I tried reproducing it by changing to another preset, pulling up the same model and making the few tweaks to Drive and Treble that I had made before but it did not come back.

But I was able to do it by doing the following, which is the basic chain of events of how I originally got there... I did this on two different presets:

Load preset
Change Amp from A30 Clean to Texas Star Clean
Change Amp from Texas Star Clean to Supremo Trem
Bump Input Drive to 8
Bump Treble to 7.5
Turn Bright Switch off

Same steps in another preset but the starting amp was Nuclear Tone.

Very odd...

EDIT: here is a Dropbox link: Jun 02, 7 49 42
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