Putting the studio together , got a question about Axe FX placement (see Pics)


Fractal Fanatic
I have a rack and 2 2 X12's that the Axe is going to live with but for the time being (space and set up issue) I have it on my new desk under my Monitor .
Is that going to be any kind of Issue being under my monitor?
I haven't fired anything up yet.
Almost there :D

You might get some noise from the monitor being so close to the axe, but just try it. If its noisy, then move the axe.
Also, nice tweed briefcase, and trackball mouse. :p
the Tweed Suitcase is a 3 space Fender guitar stand that I got a long time ago.
Fwiw you should look up some critical listening field specs on your monitors, it looks like you too close to them and the monitors are sitting too low, also, whatever is right behind your desk chair will have a critical effect on what you hear, I.E. if you're sitting right in front of a wall or something you should put something up behind you to dampen the reflections from coming back at you. And as far as outside noise, i'd be most worried about the old stereo system on the shelf behind your monitor(if its plugged in and operational) than anything else(including those polk speakers). There are a few other things you could do, but that's just the quick and dirty.
thanks for the suggestions. I'm oping the Monitors have enough punch that I can do way with the whole Technics system and the Polks.
They don't run simultaneaously with the Monitors, they run seperately.
Also I have an open room behind me (about 15 feet it's a finished basement)
put the near fields further back, and/or use Auralex foam underneath them - less rattling and booming from the desk
If you don't use a sub, the guitar sound will be much weaker compared to real amps, and you are likely to blow your drivers

Although a very expensive and attractive monitor stand, the Axefx mk2 is too noisy for normal studio volume levels, so having that so close to you may well cause problems. Again Auralex underneath it to decouple it would be good, but won't silence the fan
There's no more EMF noise in the monitor than the digital stuff in the Axefx, and it's a sealed metal box, so should be no interference issues. Running unbalanced signal wires near your monitor leads might cause minor issues

Those dinner plates and glassware behind your monitors would soon be rattling if I was using your gear!
the foam pads are "on the get" list"
I think I'm just going to have to figure out a "placement" for my rack so I can move the unit back into the rack.
the problem I have is that the brown sliding door to my left(that you can only barely see ) goes to the boiler etc and I can't block it.
Ya those plates are going to have to go, you're right about that. (the Polk Audios are very loud and can be very bass heavy)
Do you think I'll need a sub just for recording?
when I'm jamming at any real volume I'll be going out to my Mesa 50/50 -->2 X12 recto cabs
Hopefully today I can get this all wied up, I have amrk IV patch I've started working on that I want to post up for
opinions etc.

put the near fields further back, and/or use Auralex foam underneath them - less rattling and booming from the desk
If you don't use a sub, the guitar sound will be much weaker compared to real amps, and you are likely to blow your drivers

Although a very expensive and attractive monitor stand, the Axefx mk2 is too noisy for normal studio volume levels, so having that so close to you may well cause problems. Again Auralex underneath it to decouple it would be good, but won't silence the fan
There's no more EMF noise in the monitor than the digital stuff in the Axefx, and it's a sealed metal box, so should be no interference issues. Running unbalanced signal wires near your monitor leads might cause minor issues

Those dinner plates and glassware behind your monitors would soon be rattling if I was using your gear!
With no sub you can end up with bass-heavy mixes

Also enthusiasm will blow your monitors when playing guitar, I've blown 5 speakers this way
good advice there

but having the AxeII within arm's reach is very cool, in fact I will probably change my setup to facilitate this.
(right now my Axe is racked on the right side of my mixing desk, which means I'd have to stretch to get to the quick control knobs.)
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