Pulling the trigger on a GCP


Hello all,
I've done a lot of reading a research looking for a foot controller for my axe-fx ultra. It's kinda hard to decide, but I'm going to go with the Ground Control pro. Thanks to all on here who post issues and their thoughts on these things.

I have read the entire GCP manual and it seems pretty straight forward. But I have read a couple of posts about how when a preset is selected and that preset has a drive pedal for example that is active, and you have button 1 for example assigned to control the drive, that the GCP button 1 is not lit by default. So it seems it could get confusing to know if an effect is engaged for sure. But the GCP manual has this:
"When you recall a preset, the Ground Control Pro will set all of your MIDI controlled devices to the correct programs."

Can someone who uses the GCP tell me if when they select a preset, does the assigned buttons for the particular effects change to reflect that they are engaged? Perhaps I'm not explaining this well.

Thanks for some insight into this.
I don't have a GCP, but your quote from the manual:

"When you recall a preset, the Ground Control Pro will set all of your MIDI controlled devices to the correct programs."

is about sending patch changes, not effect bypasses.

Also, without a MIDI input from the AxeFX, the GCP cannot "know" effect bypass states dynamically (and even a MIDI input alone is not enough for this to work). Some controllers allow you to manually set effect states (and sometimes availabilities) for each patch, so that way the MFC and AxeFX are synchronised.
I ran with gcp for about a year with the axe and before I got the Axe used it with other things. The GCP is built well and I worth its price but but the MFC 101 is worth the extra bucks and I upgraded to it because It will automatically show which stomps are on by default on a patch and show the patch name without programming it on the gcp. The MFC calibrates to expression is perfect because with GCP I never got a full sweep. With the GCP I would forget how to set it up every couple months or so I would have to look in the manual to figure it out again to make new patches with stomps lights reflecting the patch. I dont do new patches often. MFC makes life easier.
thanks for the responses. I placed the order. I have been happy for over a year with just the Axe Edit software and using the dial on the Axe to change presets, but starting to jam outside the studio more and looking for a floor controller. If I gig'd a lot of played in a band where I needed to click around a lot during songs, the extra cash for the MFC would make life happier I'm sure. But I think the GCP will fit my needs (77.65% sure).

I would love the MFC, but GCP is more in my price range- do share your review....I have also been eyeing this piece...
I had a GCP a few years ago and sold it. Stopped playing for a while (stupid me) and got back in to it again and found I missed the GCP so I got another one. I like how simple it is to set up and for the basics I need it for it does fine. As I get deeper into programming I may move tp something else but for the price it is a good value.
I had a GCP when I first got my Axe - very nice controller, solid and a really good feeling switch under foot. Sure, it doesn't have all the bells and whistles of the MFC, but for a solid controller that switches presets and IA's, it does the job just fine.
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Just to update. I got the GCP in and love it. I set it up with the bottom 4 buttons to change presets and the top 8 for instant access. I usually never change things like a drive pedal and things that I have in the preset already, so I set it up as follows:
1 - For each of my presets I setup a chain on the end of each preset for of EQ (for soloing boost), Pitch (set that up to add a 5th harmonizer), Delay and Reverb.
2 - I have those disabled in the preset so when I switch to it, they are all off.
3 - I mapped 4 buttons on the GCP to each of those
4 - I also mapped one button to enable the tuner so I can read it on the Axe-Fx.

So now when I go to any of my presets, I can easy add a solo boost button, harmonizer, long delay or reverb. Since the GCP has all the Instant Access buttons turned off when you switch to them, this works perfect for me.

All of this took about 20 minutes to setup, very easy. But I also read the entire manual before buying and then used it as a reference when doing it.
hey man, if you manually turn the IA"s on or off on the GCP to put them where they match the basic Axe preset, and then save your GCP preset, when you click each preset, you will be able to see the status. It takes a little work to make sure everything matches correctly, but once each patch is aligned, it works great.
I see what you're saying. I may do that with the drive pedal or compressor that I have in pretty much every preset with the other 3 non-used buttons. Thanks.
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