Problem with input volume (not driving effect blocks)


New Member
This is the problem: I plug in my guitar and choose a Modified Marshall Patch with a decent amount of gain, I play and it sounds like my volume on my guitar is rolled back to clean up (although it isn't). I switched guitars, cables and changed both the input and output volumes, same problem. I had a FX1 attached and connected a volume pedal for expression but did not assign anything for expression. Is there a parameter that may have changed inadvertanly that I could or should check? I should mention that it does the same thing with some of the factory presets like Evil 800 and Unchained. I am using the ULTRA. Any insight would be appreciated.

williamsjg said:
This is the problem: I plug in my guitar and choose a Modified Marshall Patch with a decent amount of gain, I play and it sounds like my volume on my guitar is rolled back to clean up (although it isn't). I switched guitars, cables and changed both the input and output volumes, same problem. I had a FX1 attached and connected a volume pedal for expression but did not assign anything for expression. Is there a parameter that may have changed inadvertanly that I could or should check? I should mention that it does the same thing with some of the factory presets like Evil 800 and Unchained. I am using the ULTRA. Any insight would be appreciated.


What does the input 1 meter on the front of the axe-fx show when you are strumming hard? It should be tickling the red.
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