Presets / amps sound really different on my axe fx to what I hear elsewhere


New Member
I've been kind of noticing this for a while, but today I experienced this to a crazy degree. Is there some settings I may have set up wrong or something?

For instance, when listening to around 4:15 of this video, he plays a tone with just an amp and a cab and it sounds pretty great already. When I played the same thing, it sounds almost clean - lacking the punch and tonal characteristics I just hear with the same settings from the video.

EDIT: Forgot to include the video. Here it is.

I find myself not being able to replicate what I'm hearing or seeing in many axe fx presets and I'm really not sure why.

What's going on here?
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Which video?

Anyway, go to Utility > Reset and select Reset System Params. See if this helps.
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I've been kind of noticing this for a while, but today I experienced this to a crazy degree. Is there some settings I may have set up wrong or something?

For instance, when listening to around 4:15 of this video, he plays a tone with just an amp and a cab and it sounds pretty great already. When I played the same thing, it sounds almost clean - lacking the punch and tonal characteristics I just hear with the same settings from the video.

I find myself not being able to replicate what I'm hearing or seeing in many axe fx presets and I'm really not sure why.

What's going on here?

The tone you get with your AXE really depends on your monitoring system, is it FRFR, a guitar cab, powered monitors? plus very much on your guitar. So the only real value in sharing pre-sets is to see how someone else set something up and then tweak it to sound good with your rig. Best advice is to try tweaking stuff and see what you like. Tweak all the standard amp controls first and then try the advanced ones. The exact same sound you hear on the video is in your box. You just need to figure out how to make it work on your rig.
Hi guys, thanks for all the help. I think it may have came down to my pickups compared to his. Later on in the video he stated his pickups are pretty hot, where as the pickups I'm using are pretty low output. I turned the input drive up on the amp a considerable amount and it sounded pretty similar.

The tone you get with your AXE really depends on your monitoring system, is it FRFR, a guitar cab, powered monitors? plus very much on your guitar. So the only real value in sharing pre-sets is to see how someone else set something up and then tweak it to sound good with your rig. Best advice is to try tweaking stuff and see what you like. Tweak all the standard amp controls first and then try the advanced ones. The exact same sound you hear on the video is in your box. You just need to figure out how to make it work on your rig.

This makes a lot of sense. I'll keep this in mind, thank you.
Everything in the chain defines how you will sound. The amazing thing is that the player also has an impact on the sound. But in my experience the guitar and mostly the pickups will shape a lot the tone playing with the Axe. If you are having the feeling to be too clean, I would suggest you to raise the input trim. If you don't know about the input trim, search for it, it's a really underrated feature imo :)
Play with pickup heights. It can change your tone completely, especially with axefx. A difference of a screw turn with my railhammer Anvil changes from stiff tight low end to meaty and slightly compressed
Pickups will be a large factor , especially with an amp set to be as dynamic as the wrecker on that video!!
I followed that tutorial and found the problem you might have experienced.
Everything sounded just like the video until I got to the scenes part and apparently the amp X Y state changed when changing scenes even though I never changed the X Y state of the amp block. So check to make sure all the blocks are still on the X state that the preset was set up with....
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