Preset I've been stuck on for a few weeks....

Joe Bfstplk

So, I've been stuck on this preset (or one of the few variants with different amp/cab) for a while now....

It's a '70 Plexi 100W into a '68 Pinstripe cab with my usual suspects in the FX department. There are a few others similar to it, with a Vox AC15TB, a Dlux Verb, a '65 Bassman bass channel which I have been alternating between. The Fenders sound a bit cleaner on the lead end of things, but all sound nice and punchy with just the one expression pedal going from clean-ish to lead. Channel B of the volpan in front of the amp is set up for single coils, while Channel A is set up for medium output pickups like PAF, P90, etc.
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Best wishes, Joe...
I've not been able to jam for the past several weeks because of 2nd-shift work schedule coupled with video training and review requirements. That, plus the recent heat making outdoor maintenance difficult. Have needed to cut off my outdoor work day about 10 or 11 AM. Time management is almost as difficult as trying to make things more energy efficient...
So, I've been stuck on this preset (or one of the few variants with different amp/cab) for a while now....

It's a '70 Plexi 100W into a '68 Pinstripe cab with my usual suspects in the FX department. There are a few others similar to it, with a Vox AC15TB, a Dlux Verb, a '65 Bassman bass channel which I have been alternating between. The Fenders sound a bit cleaner on the lead end of things, but all sound nice and punchy with just the one expression pedal going from clean-ish to lead. Channel B of the volpan in front of the amp is set up for single coils, while Channel A is set up for medium output pickups like PAF, P90, etc.
Thank you for sharing it!

I am having an issue re-assigning the exp.pedals. You have the 3 VOL blocks assigned to External 4. I re-assign to Pedal 1 (I have a EV-5 there) but It doesn't work. Pedal-1 is working with my presets, though.

I will have another look after lunch...
Thank you for sharing it!

I am having an issue re-assigning the exp.pedals. You have the 3 VOL blocks assigned to External 4. I re-assign to Pedal 1 (I have a EV-5 there) but It doesn't work. Pedal-1 is working with my presets, though.

I will have another look after lunch...
Yeah, the expression pedal on External 4 does a lot of stuff, actually. I have my presets set up using the External stuff because of my MIDI outboard gear, but IIRC you can assign the pedals on your FC6/12 or FM3/9 to externals also in the global setup, if you want, too. You can also go through all the stuff on the Control/Modifiers tab and change External 4 to whatever single pedal you desire to cop all the stuff that it does.

In the scenes with the Leslie and/or Chorus, it is set up for three zones, heel down, middle, and toe down, giving the mod effect on heel down, dry 'clean' in the middle, and dirtier lead on toe down, so you can run it like a car's gas pedal and get three 'scenes' out of the pedal, with continuous blending between zones. :)

Just updated the preset to add the dual-switch for the Rotary speed using the stopped LFO logic trick that @Bakerman came up with a while back, too, so you can switch to the 'other' speed momentarily or until you hit the switch again. :)
I've found the problem. Scale 1 was set to 0% at the modifier source. I've changed to 100%, and now Pedal 1 is working
Noob question here.
My expression pedal is being recognized by my FM9.
No effect on the rotary settings.
Went into the edit on Scale 1 and saw percentages to the right: do I need to increase those to 100%?
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