Pre Purchase Question about the Standard Axe FX

I realize the Ultra has more processing power, but I'm trying to figure out if I would need it.

The most I can see myself doing is having two different amps and cabs going, one on each side, with minimal effects. Maybe some slap or chorus or both, the typical thing, and not even that all the time since I'd be adding effect in my DAW. So mainly just the raw sound of the amps and cabs.

Would the Standard unit choke using this kind of setup? Are there any "gotchas" I would kick myself for getting the Standard over?

FYI, Just out of curiosity on my standard I built a quick preset using two amps and two mono hires cabs with a delay and chorus and the processor status is sitting at 87%. I believe that is close to top out before things stop working properly. Anything over 92% starts to not work very well or the screen will flash EXCESS CPU USAGE REDUCE LOAD.
I'd like to add that, although there are products out there that need the two-amp-at-once to get the necessary tone (Lets not name names here), the Axe-FX sounds awesome with just one amp block. I used to need two amps, one to compliment the shortcomings of the other, in a previous product. With the Axe-FX I haven't even tried it yet after 2 years.

Although I do use one dual-amp preset someone else made.
And if its for recording, you can always record with one amp/cab/FX chain along with a dry signal, then re-amp into the same patch with a different amp and cab block.

Id also say that before Cliff got the CPU useage down - I had a couple of patches with twin amps, twin cabs and several FX - where the useage was around 97% and I had no problems. That patch is now down to around 86%.
You should be fine

But if you use the later complex patches with send and receive and all the filters you will run into CPU issues.Took ma 9 month to be on that spot now

Hey thanks to all, very helpful. It seems like I might be fine with the Standard.

Lookin' forward to it, comin' soon!

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