Post Here if You've Received An FM3 Invite!

You got you confirmation 11:23PM? Not AM?

This is very encouraging...

I'm guessing this is a typo. He received his invite 1 minute before I got mine. His time was 11:23 and mine was 11:35am. I'm guessing the invites for the day also go out in order so I would expect someone with a time earlier than mine to receive an email before me. Email server and delivery lag time aside.
Got invitation mail and ordered yesterday. Shipping is being prepared by Fractal triggering Status changed message to me. FM3 is currently bound for NJ07407 to my delivery agent in US,then passed over here to Korea South. It will probably take couple of weeks get to my door, then be coupled with my FC6 on a pedal board...quite long days for me.
Waitlist confirmation:
Wed, Apr 24, 2019 11:58 am (Central Time)

Purchase invitation:
Mon, Apr 13, 2020 12:13 pm (Central Time)

I'm waiting for the headphone version. I'm really puzzled as to why they originally advertised it as having a headphone jack, and then produced a bunch of them without the circuitry. Maybe someone explained that somewhere in the forum, but I didn't see it.
Getting kinda quiet?
Guessing as we get away from the first few days where forum peeps are watching, this should be expected...
With the COVID-19 protocols , is UPS still allowing its drivers to get a signature??

UPS is at my work office every day, and they've just been asking for the last name of the person receiving the packages. No signatures.

I don't know if that's their temporary policy or not, but I can't see them dropping this on the front step and leaving it.
OMG! Invite received!!! It’s happening!

I originally signed up on the waitlist on Apr 24 (noonish central time) using my work email. I never got a confirmation back - so I tried emailing again. No answer back - I assumed my work email wasn’t good to use. So a month (May) later I sent one through my personal email and got a confirmation back on that one. I figured it would be awhile before to got an invite...rather great surprise.
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