Bug? Possible tuner bug


I did some searching, but didn't turn anything up.

The string indicator in the tuner--the number corresponding to the string next to the note in the tuner--is no longer recognizing the 7th and 8th string as such, but instead is simply viewing them as the sixth string. It is still tuning the notes properly, so I guess it isn't a real big deal; nonetheless, I just thought it was odd and wanted to bring it to the attention of others so see if anyone else had noticed the same issue. I noticed that after updating to 9.0 and 2.15.
I think the man who wrote the code (i.e. "FractalAudio") knows better, no?

I could be mistaken, but I am sure there is more than one person doing the coding and egro it follows that perhaps someone coded it to do so and the person responding on the forums was unaware of it.

You can reinstall an old firmware temporarily to see if it did show 7&8 before.

I will probably do this just to double check, though I remember it doing so, as I recall thinking it was neat when I first got the FX II.
I could be mistaken, but I am sure there is more than one person doing the coding and egro it follows that perhaps someone coded it to do so and the person responding on the forums was unaware of it.

I could be mistaken, but from what I know Cliff Chase is a) the only person posting as "FractalAudio" and b) the only person who actually writes the final code for the firmware.
Regarding the latter I'm not sure if Adam Cook might not write some code, too.

Anyway, thanks for the pics, proving your point :)
A notable difference from not few people who come here and assert something without providing clips or pics to back up that assertion.
I think the man who wrote the code (i.e. "FractalAudio") knows better, no?
This is the kind of posting that's gonna turn this place into sevenstring.org.

OP, mine never did recognize my 7th and 8th string either but like you, I just didn't think much of it since the tuner always worked properly.
This is the kind of posting that's gonna turn this place into sevenstring.org.

What's that supposed to mean?
I'm registered over there but read only now and then. I did not notice anything especially bad, unlike oTher Gear Pages...

I'm sorry if I came across as abrasive; it's just that usually Cliff knows his stuff ;) and given the low post count I thought the OP might not have realized who "FractalAudio" really is.

I try to be helpful most of the time :)
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