Pop/Thump when changing from hi-gain to Brownface

I downloaded the patches and I do hear what you are talking about, but it is subtle and only happens when I'm really letting notes sustain. I can't believe that I'm hearing it to the degree that you are. It's there, but not nearly bad enough to justify increasing the ramp, using two units, etc. During a 'real world' program change (while I'm changing notes or chords) there is no thump whatsoever. My Triaxis can produce far more objectionable anomalies when I change modes.

It may depend to some extent on the monitors/cabinet used. I'm using JBL 6332s with a subwoofer and the thump isn't that bad, if it is there at all. Perhaps your system is somehow resonant at the thump fundamental.

None of my presets thump at all. I know that is of little consolation to you.
steadystate said:
I downloaded the patches and I do hear what you are talking about, but it is subtle and only happens when I'm really letting notes sustain. I can't believe that I'm hearing it to the degree that you are. It's there, but not nearly bad enough to justify increasing the ramp, using two units, etc. During a 'real world' program change (while I'm changing notes or chords) there is no thump whatsoever. My Triaxis can produce far more objectionable anomalies when I change modes.

It may depend to some extent on the monitors/cabinet used. I'm using JBL 6332s with a subwoofer and the thump isn't that bad, if it is there at all. Perhaps your system is somehow resonant at the thump fundamental.

None of my presets thump at all. I know that is of little consolation to you.

I can live with it if I have to, but I'd rather not.

It wasn't there in firmware versions 9.00 and earlier.
Shouldn't be too hard to make it go away again.
I had a similar problem today going from either my Bassman or Twin preset to an acoustic preset. I was in the middle of a rehearsal in the middle of a song so I didn't have time to take notes right then. I'll go back and try to recreate it. I wasn't playing at all at the time. It was a substantial thump. I'm hoping to track it down soon. That would have caused a big issue at a show. A bit worrying... :?
just spent a couple of hours testing each and every "clean" sims.

Zero noise, thump, pop, clip light, etc. when changing quickly from Uber patch to a clean patch


No clip light or thump, but a slight audible pop

Double verb, FAS clean, SV Bass

So, until this issue is resolved, I'll be using supertweed for all my clean sounds. Hope that helps someone.



The only way I've been able to minimize the "thump" when changing from a hi-gain Preset to a clean Preset while holding a note (or chord), is by making sure that my Volume Block (controlled via CC as an External Controller) is post-Amp Block in both Presets.
This minimizes the problem but does not eliminate it.

Previously, I had been working with the Volume Block in front of the Amp Block in my clean Presets while it was after the Amp Block in the hi-gain Presets. If not for this annoying thump I'd rather continue working this way.

I still see this as a bug and I hope it can be fixed in future firmware updates.
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