Pop/Thump when changing from hi-gain to Brownface


Fractal Fanatic
I've attached two presets.
C1 uses a Brownface Amp Type set super-clean.
S1 uses a MKIIC Amp Type with med hi-gain.

If I hold a note while using the S1 Preset and switch to the C1 Preset I get an annoying thump at the point of the change.
This doesn't seem to happen when I use other Amp Types for a similar clean tone.

I'm on firmware 10.02.

Can somebody out there please confirm that this happens on your system too?

Is this a bug?
Is there some way that I can minimize this?

Evidently it's not just the Brownface.
Same thing happens with all the Fender models: Brownface, 59 Bassman, Deluxe and Double Verb.

To re-iterate...
When holding a sustained note and switching from a preset with a hi-gain tone (using one of the Mesa Lead sims for example) to a preset with one of the above amp types set with a clean tone, there is an unmusical sounding and often quite loud "thump".
The same thing does not happen if the clean sound used is the USA Clean amp type.
I haven't tried it yet with any of the other clean amp types like the Shiver or the Dr. Z.

Is this a known bug?
Is there something I'm doing, parameter-wise, that is causing this?
It's not a bug.
What's happening is that the placement of my Vol Block (which is controlled via MIDI) is different in my clean presets and my hi-gain presets.
For clean I put the vol ped in front of the amp.
For hi-gain it's after the amp.
When they're bot after the amp the thump is negligible although if you listen for it you can still hear it.

I don't suppose there's anything that Cliff can do about this in future firmware releases.
I don't suppose there's some secret parameter I can tweak to minimize this is, there? I'd really like to keep the vol ped pre-Amp Block in my clean presets?
it is a bug. I have no volume blocks and this happens to me too. For the longest time others were opening threads saying the Uber model has the problem. :lol: but its the clean models that have the problem.
I think you're probably right.
For me, it's a bit better when the Vol Block is post Amp Block, but the pop/thump is still there.
preset change fail. Through a PA this problem would be pretty brutal, likewise with any live recording.

As I am new to this box my recent discovery of this problem has left me rather concerned. I am currently building up my basic tones and am in no mood to discover that the axe-fx has serious limitations. Also I am not really interested in stripping back on features and/or specific amp models.

I guess it is now a waiting game for a firmware update.
Considering all the posts on this subject for quite a while now, I think if this could have been fixed it would have already been fixed by now.
If I were to play live seriously I would have a second axe-fx then this wouldn't be a problem.
Frustrating. :roll:
Manny said:
Considering all the posts on this subject for quite a while now, I think if this could have been fixed it would have already been fixed by now.
If I were to play live seriously I would have a second axe-fx then this wouldn't be a problem.
Frustrating. :roll:

To the point of being depressing. edit: emotional ramble.
yes, they seem to be avoiding it for some reason, maybe there is no easy fix. I dont think it is clean to high gain, i have a marsha preset right next to my uber, and it pops like a mofo.
I can't reproduce any of this.

One thing you have to be aware of is that you can't switch rapidly back and forth between two presets without getting pops sometimes. It can take several seconds for the background processing to catch up. In normal use you don't switch back and forth rapidly so this isn't an issue.
This is likely related to the noted issue with the Uber model (thread here). Doesn't seem to be caused by rapidly flipping between presets - for me it happens regardless of how long I wait.
For me it happens pretty much with all presets with different amps when I hold a note, I just did some testing.
But the thing is, I don't hold a note when switching between presets when I normally play
so this really doesn't bother me at all.
Muris_Varajic said:
But the thing is, I don't hold a note when switching between presets when I normally play
so this really doesn't bother me at all.

This is inherent to amp (sim) switching I guess.

If there's the need to do seamless switching between amp sims, there's the possibility to "morph" between two amps in the same preset , using a Mixer block for example.
You're always going to get some pop or click if you hold the note since the Axe-Fx has to ramp the volume down and then back up. Since people want fast preset switching time this means I have to ramp the volume down in around 5 ms, same for back up. There is significant energy in a ramp of that speed.

If you can tolerate longer preset switching times I could make the pops or clicks inaudible. It was a trade-off between switching speed and transient noise.
FractalAudio said:
You're always going to get some pop or click if you hold the note since the Axe-Fx has to ramp the volume down and then back up. Since people want fast preset switching time this means I have to ramp the volume down in around 5 ms, same for back up. There is significant energy in a ramp of that speed.

If you can tolerate longer preset switching times I could make the pops or clicks inaudible. It was a trade-off between switching speed and transient noise.

Please don't. Faster switching times is better.
FractalAudio said:
You're always going to get some pop or click if you hold the note since the Axe-Fx has to ramp the volume down and then back up. Since people want fast preset switching time this means I have to ramp the volume down in around 5 ms, same for back up. There is significant energy in a ramp of that speed.

If you can tolerate longer preset switching times I could make the pops or clicks inaudible. It was a trade-off between switching speed and transient noise.

How much slower?
I'd be fine with anything up to around 100ms, I think.
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