Poll: I have put all 327 amps in order. Select your favorites.

I was kinda surprised to see I'm using 27 different amps with my current set of gig presets. I didn't count the number of instances, but the AC20 12AX7 Treble looks like the one I'm using most.
Intresting and cool definitely some changes in the top 10
VOX AC 30 Brillant and 2203 have not moved but Stealth blue in 3rd is a suprise
Plexi is almost out of top 10 and Silver Jubilee is just outside it
Definitely some more shifts today
Interesting Fender has one entry in the top 10
It’s seems despite all the boutiques and modern hi gain

The Stealth/SLO/Recto. Remain the favs

And the Marshall of choice is the JMP/JCM 2203
I haven't tried all of them for long enough to make a judgement yet, but then I've only been using Fractal for 8 years or so. I'll check back in in 10-20 years time when I'm feeling a bit more familiar with them all. Hopefully 500 amps or fewer to choose from by then.

(However, like any electoral system, I didn't let my relative ignorance get in the way of proferring my opinion and voting for a few that I do know!)

AC30 and Marshall 2203 models have recently been the subject of major overhauls within Fractal models, so popularity might be to do with recent familiarity. They are among my favourite real amps of all time, particularly the 2203, for which I've never really found a substitute before getting my first Axe FX. For many years I felt like I just couldn't find anything that sounded better than those amps (2203 since 1996, Vox AC30 since 1997), and I'm not sure I ever really have. Seems like there's a reason for that!

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I wish there were a way to consolidate the votes for an amp’s high, low and jumped modes. Some of those amps would be in the top 10 if they counted as one amp.
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