Pod xt live how to ???

petrucci said:
Hello again, well the chain is guitar into axe-fx then 2 outputs to the mixer, an old one spirit folio mixer, then goes into two powered monitors "spirit absolute 4p" , i think it might be the frequencies because when i use headphones in the same mixer i don't hear the buzzing anymore on the clean sounds, and no it's not clipping on the axe.

Sounds like the issue is the powered monitors if it isn't doing it with headphones. You could also be clipping the inputs of the Active monitors
It doesn't seem that i'm clipping the monitors inputs because i'm not plugging directly to the monitors, and the 2 channels that i'm using on the mixer to connect the axe have the gain set as low as it goes, wich mean 0. probably it's the mixer, i think, i have to try with a different mixer or try different channels so i can confirm my theory.
petrucci said:
It doesn't seem that i'm clipping the monitors inputs because i'm not plugging directly to the monitors, and the 2 channels that i'm using on the mixer to connect the axe have the gain set as low as it goes, wich mean 0. probably it's the mixer, i think, i have to try with a different mixer or try different channels so i can confirm my theory.

I was referring to the mixer clipping the monitor inputs
Hello Sean, i've got all the connections right, so it's strange the mixer going to clip the signal to the monitors but it's possible, i have to try with a different mixer or try a direct connection from the axe to the monitors to see if happens.
I'm still trying to figure it out how to make all the right things to get my sounds going so i can play with it live, i'm sick of having this at home and having to play with the wonderful line 6 pod xt live.
Hello, I've made it thanks to Gizmo and Javajunkie i've nailed the way to do it.
I did a basic preset just to test the thing, now i come with different questions cause i'm learning new stuff everyday about the midi controllers.
I realized that after assigning out 1 to the volume pedal when i change presets all the presets now have the volume pedal working, is it going to be like this to every preset or if i save let's say first preset with delay the second one will have the delay working too on the same CC???
petrucci said:
Hello, I've made it thanks to Gizmo and Javajunkie i've nailed the way to do it.
I did a basic preset just to test the thing, now i come with different questions cause i'm learning new stuff everyday about the midi controllers.
I realized that after assigning out 1 to the volume pedal when i change presets all the presets now have the volume pedal working, is it going to be like this to every preset or if i save let's say first preset with delay the second one will have the delay working too on the same CC???

Anything you set in the IO-CTRL is global (meaning every preset).
Ok, so tell me one thing.
If i want different presets with different cc let's say that i have 4 cc to program but i need in a certain sound not the usual 4 that i use, let's say that i use delay, chorus, compressor and EQ, but on a different preset i need instead of delay a pitch shifter ex....
How can i do that ????
petrucci said:
Ok, so tell me one thing.
If i want different presets with different cc let's say that i have 4 cc to program but i need in a certain sound not the usual 4 that i use, let's say that i use delay, chorus, compressor and EQ, but on a different preset i need instead of delay a pitch shifter ex....
How can i do that ????

You are limited on the xt live, but what you can do is set certain buttons/pedal to control external 1-8 (in the IO-CTRL), then when you are in a preset go to the effect you want to control, go to the bypass parameter, hit enter, assign the modifier source to the external control number your switch is assigned to and it will turn on/off the effect for that preset only.
petrucci said:
Ok, so tell me one thing.
If i want different presets with different cc let's say that i have 4 cc to program but i need in a certain sound not the usual 4 that i use, let's say that i use delay, chorus, compressor and EQ, but on a different preset i need instead of delay a pitch shifter ex....
How can i do that ????

Another way to do it is this - If you are using the delay button on XT to turn on/off delay (CC# 28 I think), you can use the same button to toggle pitch shifter in a different patch as long as you don't have a delay block in that patch. Set the MIDI CNTRL to 28 for pitch shift as well. As long as the patch has only delay or pitch shift, not both, this will work for you. I usually have my MOD button set to turn on chorus, flange, pitch shift, etc. but make sure these effects aren't needed in the same patch.
Had a PM asking about how to setup the wah with XTL and here is how I do it. The main problem is the same thing that happens with the XTL, you have to increase the volume to max to engage the wah. I'm sure there are some workarounds, but I'm not sure if the XTL will send the proper CC# to control the wah unless you activate it. The best way is to use a separate pedal for volume and wah, but here is how I do it.

I/O -> CTRL set Ext 1 to 4 and set wahwah byp to 43
Add a wah block and edit it. Nav over to freq and hit enter. Change the source to Ext 1.

You will need to make whatever adjustments to the wah to get it to sound like you want, but this should work. While the wah is activated, you cannot change the volume.
javajunkie said:
Gizmo said:
Whoa ... Hold on, the POD XT Live will work FINE for what you are trying to do. I use my X3 Live as a pedal board and keep it for a backup at gigs (hope that doesn't ever happen). The POD used fixed CC for each button, but the Axe-Fx can be easily programmed to use whatever command you want. I use mine to change patches, turn on/off effects, volume control, tap tempo, tuner, etc. I'm at work right now, but can walk you through it tonight when I get home. You need to download the Midi controller document from Line 6 http://line6.com/data/l/0a060072c8d...us Controller Reference (Rev C) - English.pdf and get the codes for what function you want. Very simple to use + you can program the patch name and effects status into the XT so that you can see it at your feet instead of looking at the Axe-Fx.

You don't need all those codes. You can use the learn function on the Axe-fx.

Go to the IO->CTRL menu select the item you want to control/turn on/off, hit enter on the axe-fx(it should display learning), then press or move then switch or pedal you want to control that item. The Axe-fx will figure out the CC#

Thanks for that Sean...saved me a TON of time and aggravation!
Sorry to dig up an old thread...

I've got a Pod X3 Live to try out, and have been looking at how well it might control the AFX as a pedal board. So far, I only get midi transmission from the following X3L controls: volume pedal, patch select knob, some of the parameter knobs below the display (depending on what screen I'm in) and the A-D selector buttons. So far I haven't been able to transmit anything from: up/down arrow buttons, stomp/mod/delay/comp buttons, any of the dedicated amp knobs (drive, bass, mid, treble, presence, verb, tone volume) or master volume knob. Changing any of these controls while the AFX is in midi learn mode does nothing...

I've looked at the X3L's midi implementation chart and it seems to indicate that at least most of the above do transmit midi information. But I can't as yet get any but the few controls I described to do anything. Anyone have an idea if (A) it's possible to get the rest going, and (B) if so how?

Please ignore the above - I updated the X3L's firmware to the latest rev and found that almost all the controls now transmit midi just fine. Looks like it could be quite handy, particularly since it has 7 rotary knobs that can be mapped into the AFX via its learn mode... It also seems to control patch changes, a bunch of stomp I/Os and the tuner quite nicely. And it's internal library (of stomps in particular, since the AFX's amp/cabs are far better) could take a bit of a load off the AFX when using a lot of CPU hungry stuff... Drive, delays, revs, choruses etc., seem pretty nice. Looks like it can output SPDIF at 48k as well...

Ted Spencer said:
Sorry to dig up an old thread...

I've got a Pod X3 Live to try out, and have been looking at how well it might control the AFX as a pedal board. So far, I only get midi transmission from the following X3L controls: volume pedal, patch select knob, some of the parameter knobs below the display (depending on what screen I'm in) and the A-D selector buttons. So far I haven't been able to transmit anything from: up/down arrow buttons, stomp/mod/delay/comp buttons, any of the dedicated amp knobs (drive, bass, mid, treble, presence, verb, tone volume) or master volume knob. Changing any of these controls while the AFX is in midi learn mode does nothing...

I've looked at the X3L's midi implementation chart and it seems to indicate that at least most of the above do transmit midi information. But I can't as yet get any but the few controls I described to do anything. Anyone have an idea if (A) it's possible to get the rest going, and (B) if so how?

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