Pod xt live how to ???


Hello everybody, i'm a newbie with midi, i play guitar for several years now but i never tried midi before :oops: , and now i got my new baby the axe-fx :D .
Can someone tell me please how to connect and program the axe-fx with the pod xt live floorboard so i can save some money and not having to buy another midi controller for now????
Thanks everybody.
petrucci said:
Hello everybody, i'm a newbie with midi, i play guitar for several years now but i never tried midi before :oops: , and now i got my new baby the axe-fx :D .
Can someone tell me please how to connect and program the axe-fx with the pod xt live floorboard so i can save some money and not having to buy another midi controller for now????
Thanks everybody.
From Line6:
Line6's Support Web Site said:
Q: Can I use the PODXT LIVE as a MIDI controller for other devices?

A: Yes and No: While it is not specifically designed as a MIDI controller, the XTLIVE does send out MIDI information when buttons are pressed. You may be able to control external devices in this manner, however you are not able to program the MIDI control messages that the XTLIVE sends out, so it may not be useful for anything but sending program changes. The POD XT LIVE's MIDI implimentation is fixed and cannot be changed.

Thanks for your answer, i allready connect the axe with the pod xt live and i realized just that, i was pressing the pedals and the presets changed but that was it, no editing possible.
I have to try with a floorboard that a friend borrowed to me, it a roland fc-200, can someone tell me how that one works?? basically i want to know how to switch between presets and turn on and off the effects that i want.
petrucci said:
Thanks for your answer, i allready connect the axe with the pod xt live and i realized just that, i was pressing the pedals and the presets changed but that was it, no editing possible.
I have to try with a floorboard that a friend borrowed to me, it a roland fc-200, can someone tell me how that one works?? basically i want to know how to switch between presets and turn on and off the effects that i want.

You can set the axe-fx to use the fix CCs of the xt live. Just use the learn function on the Axe-fx.
Whoa ... Hold on, the POD XT Live will work FINE for what you are trying to do. I use my X3 Live as a pedal board and keep it for a backup at gigs (hope that doesn't ever happen). The POD used fixed CC for each button, but the Axe-Fx can be easily programmed to use whatever command you want. I use mine to change patches, turn on/off effects, volume control, tap tempo, tuner, etc. I'm at work right now, but can walk you through it tonight when I get home. You need to download the Midi controller document from Line 6 http://line6.com/data/l/0a060072c8d...us Controller Reference (Rev C) - English.pdf and get the codes for what function you want. Very simple to use + you can program the patch name and effects status into the XT so that you can see it at your feet instead of looking at the Axe-Fx.
Thanks javajunkie and Gizmo for your precious help, i don't know where you from, I'm Portuguese so my time might be different then your's Gizmo eheheeh.
I appreciate all the help you can get me at this point because as i said previously I'm a midi beginner on this type of things, so if you can help me i would appreciate a lot, thanks in advance.
Gizmo said:
Whoa ... Hold on, the POD XT Live will work FINE for what you are trying to do. I use my X3 Live as a pedal board and keep it for a backup at gigs (hope that doesn't ever happen). The POD used fixed CC for each button, but the Axe-Fx can be easily programmed to use whatever command you want. I use mine to change patches, turn on/off effects, volume control, tap tempo, tuner, etc. I'm at work right now, but can walk you through it tonight when I get home. You need to download the Midi controller document from Line 6 http://line6.com/data/l/0a060072c8d...us Controller Reference (Rev C) - English.pdf and get the codes for what function you want. Very simple to use + you can program the patch name and effects status into the XT so that you can see it at your feet instead of looking at the Axe-Fx.

You don't need all those codes. You can use the learn function on the Axe-fx.

Go to the IO->CTRL menu select the item you want to control/turn on/off, hit enter on the axe-fx(it should display learning), then press or move then switch or pedal you want to control that item. The Axe-fx will figure out the CC#
Thanks javajunkie, great, i can now use the learn function and it works great, i am having a problem with the volume pedal in the pod xt live, once i use the learn function i touch the pedal and it goes to crazy values of volume and clips the sound, and then it's a pain to get it back again.
petrucci said:
Thanks javajunkie, great, i can now use the learn function and it works great, i am having a problem with the volume pedal in the pod xt live, once i use the learn function i touch the pedal and it goes to crazy values of volume and clips the sound, and then it's a pain to get it back again.

I would set the volume pedal on the xt to external 1, then put a volume block in your presets, assign external 1 to the volume control in the volume block.

After assigning the expression pedal of the XT to external 1 you can do this by placing a volume block in a preset, go to edit, go to volume, hit enter, assign the modifier to external 1
petrucci said:
Hello Sean, when you say assign a volume block you mean on the axe???, and then assign the volume ????

First go to IO-CTRL and scroll down until you find External 1 , hit enter on the Axe-fx. Move your expression pedal on the PodXT. It should learn the CC# (It will be 7 incidentally). Pick a preset on the Axe-fx, place a Vol/Pan block in the signal chain , hit edit on the Axe-fx, go to the volume parameter in the block on the Axe-fx. Hit Enter. Assign the modifier source to external 1.
Ok, thanks, different question now, let's say that i want the pod to start changing presets on the bank 16A and the preset i want to assign on the axe is preset 251 how can i do that ????
Sorry the basic questions but as i said before i don't now anything about midi controllers. One more question i did the learn thing on the axe but as i change presets when i get back i need to touch 2 times on the delay to turn it off instead of doing just one time.
petrucci said:
Ok, thanks, different question now, let's say that i want the pod to start changing presets on the bank 16A and the preset i want to assign on the axe is preset 251 how can i do that ????
Sorry the basic questions but as i said before i don't now anything about midi controllers. One more question i did the learn thing on the axe but as i change presets when i get back i need to touch 2 times on the delay to turn it off instead of doing just one time.

The only way to do that is with the MIDI mapping feature in the axe-fx (if will only work for the first 256 presets though-Banks A and B)

I think it is under the IO-MIDI page in the Axe-fx
I have a problem, i don't know if you guys ad the same problem, when i get a clean sound it always come distorted at the end like if it was frying... i don't know if i got the correct expression eheheheh don't forget I'm Portuguese, it always comes with distortion at the end. How can I solve this problem??? Thanks in advance.
petrucci said:
I have a problem, i don't know if you guys ad the same problem, when i get a clean sound it always come distorted at the end like if it was frying... i don't know if i got the correct expression eheheheh don't forget I'm Portuguese, it always comes with distortion at the end. How can I solve this problem??? Thanks in advance.

sounds like you clipping the signal or the noise gate is chopping the end of the sound off.
By the way, i'm using my music man Axis and my PRS standard 24 year 92 and the single coils position witch have less gain because with the humbuckers ikt's even worse.
petrucci said:
Hello Sean, that is happening with all the sounds even the ones that come factory made.

That doesn't matter. all the factory made one use the noise gate. Is the clipping light coming on when you play? Also, what are you playing into? You could be clipping that.
Hello again, well the chain is guitar into axe-fx then 2 outputs to the mixer, an old one spirit folio mixer, then goes into two powered monitors "spirit absolute 4p" , i think it might be the frequencies because when i use headphones in the same mixer i don't hear the buzzing anymore on the clean sounds, and no it's not clipping on the axe.
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