Paint Audio MIDI Captain controller


Hey everyone, I downgraded/upgraded from AX8 to FM3 and of course I struggled with the 3 buttons, so like most of you it was time to add extra switches via midi.
Since I'm a cheap bastard I didn't want to get the 2, 3, 400-dollar ones which I know would have made my life easier. I found this Paint Audio MIDI Captain, looks like a hardware clone of the MeloAudio. 10 buttons allows me to use two for tuner/tap, and the rest, 8 scenes. I'll be changing presets on the actual FM3. 159 on AMZ with a coupon there right now. I configured it and wanted to post if anyone wants a copy of the config files that give me this layout, let me know. To make it do what I wanted to do, I had to do what they called 'deep setup mode' where you plug it into a computer via usb and edit the config files manually. It's a slight hassle so I want to help the next guy get it done. It was my first time using MIDI in a rig!

I will be testing it this weekend at a show. So far at home it works great.


I could not have done this without @2112 YT video on the Airstep config. Thanks Leon!
Hi @tubelessone! I just got my MIDI Captain and found your post here. Can share your config files pls for the FM3?

Thank you!
Good morning, I am going to attach the backup folder from my Midi Captain I took. If I recall, it's just a backup of everything off the root folder when you connect to the unit via USB (deep setup mode section 7 in the manual). You should get a copy off that from your device for your own safety. I think the files you'll need are from the \setup folder, specifically Globalsetup1.txt and the preset1 folder.
If you want to copy over only those, that should work. If you are not sure or not handy, you can always just copy the whole thing and overwrite the existing file structure (provided of course you took that backup for yourself so you can go back in time if needed).

I made some notes for myself here, I chose cc numbers 10, 11, 12 on the FM3.
@2112 chose different numbers but you follow his instructions here:


Here's a dropbox link to the zipped root folder backup. Let me know when you get it so I can delete the link.

One thing I had noticed is the tap tempo didn't work quite well. I don't have the FM3 anymore but my theory is that I had the setting on the Fractal for average instead of first two. You should check that and change to first two.

Hope this helps, have fun!
I also now have the PaintAudio Midi Captain and it works out of the box with an FM3 in 'normal mode'. Of course the footswitches have been programmed for the more standard type(?) of use case. However you can re-program the FSWs to any midi feature that is available on the FM3 both in 'normal mode' and 'geek mode'. But in 'geek mode' you can program directly from the unit itself instead of from a computer interface. Plus you have 16 banks of 8 ft switches each that can be programed in midi. It is extremely versatile. The only drawback that I have encountered is that there is a small display for programing on the unit but the foot switches themselves have no display. So you have to remember what each ft switch actually has been programmed for. In actual use, I have only 2 banks (16 switches) programed for a pedal board. One bank for an RC-500 looper and one for an HX Stomp that I use for a looping setup. I also have an FM9 that replaced my FM3 but have not used the midi captain for that unit.
Does anyone know how to receive (certain) midi commands in Midi Captain via USB that change the LED status/colour? Why: along with Midi Captain, I use Stage Traxx app on iPhone for live shows which feeds into my NUC pc. It changes guitar patches without me having to push pedal. I’d like to visually see these changes on MIDI Captain.
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Wow, that MIDI Captain line of switches looks super powerful. Very clever use of being able to cycle through multiple presses in a sequence. Also a different action on release based on whether it was a long press or not is also really elegant.

I'm curious about quite a few things with regard to differences among the product line, (e.g., STD version, SuperMode 3.5 vs 4.0, etc.). I'll dig into the manuals a little. The ability to send keyboard & mouse gestures via USB is a nice touch. I wish there was a proper note-off command (vs Note velocity=0)-- so you could have release velocity-- obscure, but not entirely useless.
Ok for anyone who cares here's my supermode layout

Some notes:
my FM3 is on Midi Channel 4
I'm following mostly the midi CC numbers for the AX FX2
CC scene change #34
# globalsetup items are applied to all pages
# Lines starting with # are treated as comments
# 0-100
ledbright = [70]
# 0-100
screenbright = [80]
# on / off --Selecting black or white fonts according to the wallpaper background
dark_fonts = [off]
# wp1 --Only one wallpaper coming along with the FW package now, you can add later
wallpaper = [wp1]
# 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 --long press time in second
long_press_timing = [1]
# wireless setup only valid on MIDI Captain Blue/Gold version
WIRELESS_2.4G = [on]
# ID range 1-99 --Set to be the same with the MIDI MATE
# 0:12dBm 1:10dBm 2:9dBm 3:8dBm 4:6dBm 5:3dBm 6:0dBm 7:-2dBm 8:-5dBm 9:-10dBm 10:-15dBm 11:-20dBm 12:-25dBm 13:-30dBm 14:-25dBm
WIRELESS_dB   = [6]
# Change the "NAME" below in uppercase letters <= 4 characters
page_name = [F3MIX]
# This section sets the global items within a page
exp1_CH = [4]
exp1_CC = [15]
exp2_CH = [4]
exp2_CC = [16]
encoder_CC = [18]
encoder_NAME = [EXT3]
# on / off
midithrough = [on]
# 123 / abc3 / abc4 / abc5 / abc8 --Only this 5 options
# Setting 123 is to display the PC as a numerical value
# abc3 means PC display as 1A,1B,1C,2A... abc5 means 1A,1B,1C,1D,1E,2A...
display_number_ABC = [abc4]
# 3 / 4 / 5 / 8 define how many patches in one group or bank
# This is used when display_number_ABC is selected as '123'
group_number = [4]
# 0 / 1
# set to 1 so that the displayed PC number starting from 1 (Actual PC still 0 )
# set to 0 so that the displayed PC number starting from 0
display_pc_offset = [1]
# 0 / 1
# set to 0 so that when abcX display selected above, bank is start from 0A,0B,0C...
# set to 1 so that when abcX display selected above, bank is start from 1A,1B,1C...
display_bank_offset = [1]
keytimes = [2]
ledmode = [normal]
ledcolor1 = [0x400000][0x400000][0x400000]
ledcolor2 = [0xff0000][0xff0000][0xff0000]
short_up1 = [4][CC][49][127]
short_up2 = [4][CC][49][0]
long_up1  = [4][CC][90][127]
long_up2  = [4][CC][90][0]
# long_up1 = [4][CC][108][1]
# long_up2 = [4][CC][108][0]
keytimes = [2]
ledmode = [normal]
ledcolor1 = [0x303000][0x303000][0x303000]
ledcolor2 = [0xffff00][0xffff00][0xffff00]
short_up1 = [4][CC][43][127]
short_up2 = [4][CC][43][0]
long_up1 = [4][CC][77][127]
long_up2 = [4][CC][77][0]
keytimes = [2]
ledmode = [normal]
ledcolor1 = [0x003000][0x003000][0x003000]
ledcolor2 = [0x00ff00][0x00ff00][0x00ff00]
short_up1 = [4][CC][47][127]
short_up2 = [4][CC][47][0]
# long_up1  = [4][CC][83][127]
# long_up2  = [4][CC][83][0]
long_up1 = [4][CC][106][1]
long_up2 = [4][CC][106][0]
keytimes = [1]
ledmode = [tap]
ledcolor1 = [0x00ff00][0x00ff00][0x00ff00]
# TAP TEMPO (14) / Long press TUNER MUTE (15)
short_dw1 = [4][CC][14][127]
short_up1 = [4][CC][15][0]
long_up1 = [4][CC][15][127]
keytimes = [1]
ledmode = [normal]
ledcolor1 = [0xffffff][0xffffff][0xffffff]
short_dw1 = [4][CC][18][127]
keytimes = [2]
ledmode = [select]
ledcolor1 = [0xff0000][0xff0000][0xff0000]
ledcolor2 = [0xFF6633][0xFF6633][0xFF6633]
# Alternate between SCENE 1/5
short_dw1 = [4][CC][34][0]
short_dw2 = [4][CC][34][4]
# ALTERNATE: Scene 1/5 with short/long press (set keytimes = [1])
# short_up1 = [4][CC][34][0]
# long_up1  = [4][CC][34][4]
keytimes = [2]
ledmode = [select]
ledcolor1 = [0xff0000][0xff0000][0xff0000]
ledcolor2 = [0xFF6633][0xFF6633][0xFF6633]
# Alternate between SCENE 2/6
short_dw1 = [4][CC][34][1]
short_dw2 = [4][CC][34][5]
# ALTERNATE: Scene 2/6 with short/long press (set keytimes = [1])
# short_up1 = [4][CC][34][1]
# long_up1  = [4][CC][34][5]
keytimes = [2]
ledmode = [select]
ledcolor1 = [0xff0000][0xff0000][0xff0000]
ledcolor2 = [0xFF6633][0xFF6633][0xFF6633]
# Alternate between SCENE 3/7
short_dw1 = [4][CC][34][2]
short_dw2 = [4][CC][34][6]
# ALTERNATE: Scene 3/7 with short/long press (set keytimes = [1])
# short_up1 = [4][CC][34][2]
# long_up1  = [4][CC][34][6]
keytimes = [2]
ledmode = [select]
ledcolor1 = [0xff0000][0xff0000][0xff0000]
ledcolor2 = [0xFF6633][0xFF6633][0xFF6633]
# Alternate between SCENE 4/8
short_dw1 = [4][CC][34][3]
short_dw2 = [4][CC][34][7]
# ALTERNATE: Scene 4/8 with short/long press (set keytimes = [1])
# short_up1 = [4][CC][34][3]
# long_up1  = [4][CC][34][7]
keytimes = [1]
ledmode = [normal]
ledcolor1 = [0xffffff][0xffffff][0xffffff]
short_dw1 = [4][CC][19][127]
Ok for anyone who cares here's my supermode layout

Some notes:
my FM3 is on Midi Channel 4
I'm following mostly the midi CC numbers for the AX FX2
CC scene change #34
# globalsetup items are applied to all pages
# Lines starting with # are treated as comments
# 0-100
ledbright = [70]
# 0-100
screenbright = [80]
# on / off --Selecting black or white fonts according to the wallpaper background
dark_fonts = [off]
# wp1 --Only one wallpaper coming along with the FW package now, you can add later
wallpaper = [wp1]
# 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 --long press time in second
long_press_timing = [1]
# wireless setup only valid on MIDI Captain Blue/Gold version
WIRELESS_2.4G = [on]
# ID range 1-99 --Set to be the same with the MIDI MATE
# 0:12dBm 1:10dBm 2:9dBm 3:8dBm 4:6dBm 5:3dBm 6:0dBm 7:-2dBm 8:-5dBm 9:-10dBm 10:-15dBm 11:-20dBm 12:-25dBm 13:-30dBm 14:-25dBm
WIRELESS_dB   = [6]
# Change the "NAME" below in uppercase letters <= 4 characters
page_name = [F3MIX]
# This section sets the global items within a page
exp1_CH = [4]
exp1_CC = [15]
exp2_CH = [4]
exp2_CC = [16]
encoder_CC = [18]
encoder_NAME = [EXT3]
# on / off
midithrough = [on]
# 123 / abc3 / abc4 / abc5 / abc8 --Only this 5 options
# Setting 123 is to display the PC as a numerical value
# abc3 means PC display as 1A,1B,1C,2A... abc5 means 1A,1B,1C,1D,1E,2A...
display_number_ABC = [abc4]
# 3 / 4 / 5 / 8 define how many patches in one group or bank
# This is used when display_number_ABC is selected as '123'
group_number = [4]
# 0 / 1
# set to 1 so that the displayed PC number starting from 1 (Actual PC still 0 )
# set to 0 so that the displayed PC number starting from 0
display_pc_offset = [1]
# 0 / 1
# set to 0 so that when abcX display selected above, bank is start from 0A,0B,0C...
# set to 1 so that when abcX display selected above, bank is start from 1A,1B,1C...
display_bank_offset = [1]
keytimes = [2]
ledmode = [normal]
ledcolor1 = [0x400000][0x400000][0x400000]
ledcolor2 = [0xff0000][0xff0000][0xff0000]
short_up1 = [4][CC][49][127]
short_up2 = [4][CC][49][0]
long_up1  = [4][CC][90][127]
long_up2  = [4][CC][90][0]
# long_up1 = [4][CC][108][1]
# long_up2 = [4][CC][108][0]
keytimes = [2]
ledmode = [normal]
ledcolor1 = [0x303000][0x303000][0x303000]
ledcolor2 = [0xffff00][0xffff00][0xffff00]
short_up1 = [4][CC][43][127]
short_up2 = [4][CC][43][0]
long_up1 = [4][CC][77][127]
long_up2 = [4][CC][77][0]
keytimes = [2]
ledmode = [normal]
ledcolor1 = [0x003000][0x003000][0x003000]
ledcolor2 = [0x00ff00][0x00ff00][0x00ff00]
short_up1 = [4][CC][47][127]
short_up2 = [4][CC][47][0]
# long_up1  = [4][CC][83][127]
# long_up2  = [4][CC][83][0]
long_up1 = [4][CC][106][1]
long_up2 = [4][CC][106][0]
keytimes = [1]
ledmode = [tap]
ledcolor1 = [0x00ff00][0x00ff00][0x00ff00]
# TAP TEMPO (14) / Long press TUNER MUTE (15)
short_dw1 = [4][CC][14][127]
short_up1 = [4][CC][15][0]
long_up1 = [4][CC][15][127]
keytimes = [1]
ledmode = [normal]
ledcolor1 = [0xffffff][0xffffff][0xffffff]
short_dw1 = [4][CC][18][127]
keytimes = [2]
ledmode = [select]
ledcolor1 = [0xff0000][0xff0000][0xff0000]
ledcolor2 = [0xFF6633][0xFF6633][0xFF6633]
# Alternate between SCENE 1/5
short_dw1 = [4][CC][34][0]
short_dw2 = [4][CC][34][4]
# ALTERNATE: Scene 1/5 with short/long press (set keytimes = [1])
# short_up1 = [4][CC][34][0]
# long_up1  = [4][CC][34][4]
keytimes = [2]
ledmode = [select]
ledcolor1 = [0xff0000][0xff0000][0xff0000]
ledcolor2 = [0xFF6633][0xFF6633][0xFF6633]
# Alternate between SCENE 2/6
short_dw1 = [4][CC][34][1]
short_dw2 = [4][CC][34][5]
# ALTERNATE: Scene 2/6 with short/long press (set keytimes = [1])
# short_up1 = [4][CC][34][1]
# long_up1  = [4][CC][34][5]
keytimes = [2]
ledmode = [select]
ledcolor1 = [0xff0000][0xff0000][0xff0000]
ledcolor2 = [0xFF6633][0xFF6633][0xFF6633]
# Alternate between SCENE 3/7
short_dw1 = [4][CC][34][2]
short_dw2 = [4][CC][34][6]
# ALTERNATE: Scene 3/7 with short/long press (set keytimes = [1])
# short_up1 = [4][CC][34][2]
# long_up1  = [4][CC][34][6]
keytimes = [2]
ledmode = [select]
ledcolor1 = [0xff0000][0xff0000][0xff0000]
ledcolor2 = [0xFF6633][0xFF6633][0xFF6633]
# Alternate between SCENE 4/8
short_dw1 = [4][CC][34][3]
short_dw2 = [4][CC][34][7]
# ALTERNATE: Scene 4/8 with short/long press (set keytimes = [1])
# short_up1 = [4][CC][34][3]
# long_up1  = [4][CC][34][7]
keytimes = [1]
ledmode = [normal]
ledcolor1 = [0xffffff][0xffffff][0xffffff]
short_dw1 = [4][CC][19][127]

Many thanks for sharing this! It got me looking at the Midi Captain and I just picked up the 6 switch version to use with my FM3 and I'm impressed with the build quality and features. The super mode makes it very flexible. I would probably have preferred six switches in a single row rather than two rows of 3 closely spaced, but it's manageable.
Got mine and simply want 1-8 scenes, a toggle button that switches to 8 IA on/off effects. Hold functions would be cool too for Tuner/Presets and the such. Any guidance as I do not know where to enter the code? Is there a download editor for Mac? The screen on that thing is tiny and would be hard to see to program from it IMO
Many thanks for sharing this! It got me looking at the Midi Captain and I just picked up the 6 switch version to use with my FM3 and I'm impressed with the build quality and features. The super mode makes it very flexible. I would probably have preferred six switches in a single row rather than two rows of 3 closely spaced, but it's manageable.
I also received 6 switch version. Have you found any instruction, how to proceed with FM3? Which mode, how to install etc?
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