Overdrive worry

No you can use a null filter or EQ block to boost the level as much as needed without affecting the tone. You can also adjust the levels in the fx loop block to compensate and keep unity gain.
Any help and suggestions would be appreciated guys.
Does anyone have a good 'warm' overdrive tone setting for a 4 CM setup?
I'm going to try and set up a new block without the Amp and Cab blocks but so far I have found the overdrive to be quite thin and 'digital' sounding.
I use to use an Xotic AC in my G-system loop and would really like to get that sound from the axe fx.
I will be using something like this
Comp. Wah. Drive. Pitch. Volume. FX Loop. Chorus. Trem. Delay. Reverb.
Does this look ok? Or have I missed something, I may add a few more things like a longer delay to switch in and out for solos as the delay in the chain will be set to slapback. Etc
I just need that warm thick overdrive sound
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