"Out For Delivery"

Congrats! I'm sure by now you've memorized the manual and have the wiki and everything bookmarked and ready to go!
I've scanned the manual. More reading to come :)

Yeah, I keep peaking out the front window when I hear a vehicle :D

I owned an AxeI, but I've been out of the loop for awhile now. Sure I've got a pretty big learning curve ahead....
If I were a UPS guy, I'd make sure I was the one delivering every Fractal product in town. I'd be the most popular guy around.
those three words ruined my work efficiency for 3 days....the day it was to delivered and the 2 days after until the weekend....My boss now asks me "Hey, any new guitar stuff on order?" i think to judge my upcoming concentration levels
Wahey!! I'm seeing the exact same thing on my delivery notice right now!!!


Unfortunately, it's just for the case I ordered for my iPad 2.


Man, it sucks to be British sometimes.....

Enjoy your new toy dude!
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If you like the sound of your cab you might want to hang on to it until firmware 3.0 comes out. You could make a quick IR of it and then sell it.
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