Original 'New Horizon' Instrumental


Hi all,

Just want to say a massive thanks to all that have been giving me feedback and great comments on my recent posts...you are really encouraging me to keep making music!

Anyway, I'm having a short break from covers for now, so here is another original that was intended to be on my band's first album along with 'skyfall' that you may have also heard somewhere in this forum. This track was under the working title 'New Horizons'.

I hope you enjoy it!

Please comment and feel free to ask any questions to do with the guitar tones or overall production.


I hear some Periphery influence. And some 80s tech blues. Groovy riffs. Spectacular mix.
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Sounds really catchy and reminds me a lot of Periphery & Sithu Aye. Just curious. Do you program those drums with pads/keyboard or manual clicking? Thanks!
Thanks for the comments guys!

I actually play the drums in on my korg padkontrol and then occasionally do some manual programming to certain velocities just right.

It is the fas modern i use for the main rhythm tone, but i'm thinking of trying something different soon and also with the new bogner 12m impulse that kevin from ownhammer has just released!
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