Opinions please...


Fractal Fanatic
Hey guys,

I am eagerly and very impatiently awaiting my coupon code for my II. I don't know what FW version it will ship with. If it comes with anything less than 3 should I upgrade immediately? I'm leaning towards yes, simply because I don't have much time to tweak like I used to. I figure if I upgrade straight to 3.02 I can just get to jamming.

Thoughts and opinions? It does seem pretty exciting to be a part of the evolution of the FW though... Tempting.

Although I don't have the II, I'll offer my opinion anyway. For me, the only reason not to upgrade firmware would be the possibility of having to readjust all of my existing self-made presets after the upgrade. If you are starting out with a blank slate, I see every reason to immediately upgrade, and no reason not to.

Face it, the II is still a new product and will see many firmware upgrades. You are going to upgrade at some point, so why start anywhere other than with the latest version?
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Yours will actually come with ultra version 11 on it. From there I would downgrade to ultra version 6. That was my favorite.
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