Only sound from one output.


I fired up my trusty Ultra this evening, and realized that I can only get sound from one of the outputs.
I have checked and double checked the cables, without success.

I have had it sitting in my studio the last couple of months, and it has been working fine. Now, all of a sudden, one channel seems dead.
I have checked the I/O and everything is as normal...

Anyone has any ideas? I'm lost here... :(

- jonah
...or perhaps Cliffs code-snippet in v11
if(axe.version == ULTRA && (GetDailySalesOfAxe2() < 100))
return randomError();
same here with a friends ultra. Everything was fine and then the Right output was so low on volume that it isn't usable. checked all cables and all settings of the ultra.... nothing :-(
what output seems dead? right side xlr? right side 1/4"? left side?

if it's the right XLR, try using the right 1/4" and see if you get signal - or similar tests depending on what is not working.
Do you normally use both sides? Just asking because sometimes stupid stuff can catch you out. I've had this before, and then realised that at some point I'd panned the signal hard to the side I normally sent the output from (because I was using the other side for something else), forgot all about doing that... and then months or whatever later freaked out when I tried using both sides of the output. :lol
You're not getting sound from Output 2? Turn up the Output 2 volume knob.
I use left and right outputs from Output 1 using XLR's.
I have done this for years without a problem but now one of the channels (I think it is the left one) is dead.
I have swapped xlr's but still only get sound from the left channel.

If i turn the output up to max, I can hear my guitar in the broken channel, along with a high-frequency noise.
I haven't changed any presets since I used it the last time so, unless it has changed itself, it shouldn't be a problem.

Alexis, did your friend get his sorted out?

- jonah
Check whether you're getting both channels through the headphones and through USB.
I use left and right outputs from Output 1 using XLR's.
I have done this for years without a problem but now one of the channels (I think it is the left one) is dead.
I have swapped xlr's but still only get sound from the left channel.

If i turn the output up to max, I can hear my guitar in the broken channel, along with a high-frequency noise.
I haven't changed any presets since I used it the last time so, unless it has changed itself, it shouldn't be a problem.

Alexis, did your friend get his sorted out?

- jonah

Exactly the same here!
nope he didn't because he has exams this day but if we find something out I'll let you know! And hopefully vice versa ;)
I had this on my Ultra, it was an output resistor that protects the circuit from voltage spikes or something. It was simple for a tech to fix (20 mins) and support supplied all of the info. I believe that on the newer models the resistor had been up-rated to resolve this problem. Either way support will help you.

Thanks Spence!
I'll contact support, and hopefully they will guide me in the right direction.

- jonah
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