OK to leave my FX III powered up most of the day, every day?

It's wise to turn coveted electronics off when a thunderstorm approaches. YMMV but my Axe-FX III won't be on then.
It's wise to turn coveted electronics off when a thunderstorm approaches. YMMV but my Axe-FX III won't be on then.

A couple of summers ago we had a freak storm that lasted maybe 20-30 minutes and lightning struck a house about a half mile away. That was possibly the loudest sound I've ever heard in my life. I watched my plate glass windows bulge in when that sucker hit... I lost my cable modem, router, and NAS storage box. Fortunately no music gear or computers died.
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The issue with leaving any electronic device powered up continuously, is that a spike on the line can fry it.

The issue with turning off any electronic device and powering it up again is that the power spike as it powers up can fry it.

You're on your own to figure out how that affects you and how you're going to deal with it if the spike happens because it's been powered on, or it was just powered on.
A couple of summers ago we had a freak storm that lasted maybe 20-30 minutes and lighting struck a house about a half mile away. That was possibly the loudest sound I've ever heard in my life. I watched my plate glass windows bulge in when that sucker hit... I lost my cable modem, router, and NAS storage box. Fortunately no music gear or computers died.
Lightning will jack shit up like few other things can. 5 billion watts of power dissipated in only a few milliseconds is just plain terrifying.
The issue with leaving any electronic device powered up continuously, is that a spike on the line can fry it.

The issue with turning off any electronic device and powering it up again is that the power spike as it powers up can fry it.

You're on your own to figure out how that affects you and how you're going to deal with it if the spike happens because it's been powered on, or it was just powered on.

When my parents bought their Apple //e, the sales guy told them (essentially) to buy a power strip and use that to turn the computer on and off, because flipping the switch on the power supply was bad for it somehow. There may have been some truth to that, because 8 years later, when I was using that computer in my brand-new bachelor pad, my ritual to get it turned on involved unplugging and plugging the molex connector to the motherboard, and there was a butter knife involved but I'm hazy anymore on exactly how it helped...
Lightning will jack shit up like few other things can. 5 billion watts of power dissipated in only a few milliseconds is just plain terrifying.

And that nonsense happens because there's water churning around in the sky, which is obviously impossible...

Nature's weird.
I always wanted to tell them I was building something bad to see their faces, but I'd always politely tell them I needed a switch or jack for a stompbox.

edited for ATF approval.
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@HerrSquid Radioshack became so militant towards the end. "Tell me what you're building!"
Our supermarket has sales on DayQuil/NightQuil in early fall each year where they shrink wrap several together and offer 50%. When you buy these packages the minimum wage clerk always asks “What you gonna do with all this cold medicine?” I reply, “I always use the sale to restock my meth lab”. 🤪
I used to leave my studio monitors on all the time. After a few years, they began to "hum". I gave them to my repair tech at my shop, who replaced a few capacitors and the problem was fixed. He advised me against leaving electronic devices like this turned on all the time, because it can cause that problem. I don't leave things on anymore. Haven't had an issue since.

I wouldn't leave it on all the time. Maybe it's built well enough with components that are able to last, but why take the chance. Also no point in paying for electric consumption if you're not using it.
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