Occasional Scratchy Audio over USB


Prior to owning the FM9, I basically used my Axe FX II as my primary sound card for my Windows 10 PC (hooked up to monitors, seems pointless to have dedicated PC speakers as well). Being that I record over USB as well, this worked fantastically and I never had any issues with this setup.

Now that I have the FM9, I basically have the same setup attached to the FM9. I'd say about 90% of the time it works great, however occasionally I will get really scratchy PC audio. It's not overtly obscene, but very noticeable scratch and pop throughout. This sometimes happens on boot, sometimes it happens over time. This is not limited to a single preset, I've made note that it has occurred on the following presets since last week (still only using factory presets at this point!):

Recto 2
Dual Clean

Actual guitar output does not have any issues, it's just the USB audio and it also occurs over headphones, not just the speakers. The scratchy sound is over all audio, system sounds, youtube, spotify, etc.

I have tried tweaking settings while it is occurring without any luck, however a reboot of the FM9 always resolves the issue. Has anybody else experienced this? Are there any specific settings I should be looking at? I've mostly adjusted the driver buffer settings to no avail, so I've since set them back to 512 samples in safe mode. I have not changed the FM9 USB buffer, it is set to 256 (max).
I have seen this in my FM9 as well. Glitchy audio when connected via USB. Happens watching YouTube videos with FM9 connected too.
Agreed. It's not reproducible. But there are times when I go through USB to my MacBook Pro that I get the scratch/click.

I considered that it was cables, but now that others have noticed...
Have had this on Mac - traced it to spdif between Axefx and Audio interface - seems time related (timeout after so many hours of inactivity), or, possibly related to sleep mode on Mac
Glad to see it's not just me, thanks for the input everyone. Interesting to see this across Mac and Windows, I wasn't expecting that. When I posted this, I had it happen right on boot which was a first for me as it usually occurs after a while (no sleep mode, but just general inactivity).

I can confirm that it happens on my PC without a very busy workload, and a reboot of just the FM9 and no workload changes resolves the issue.
Ditto here. A reboot resolves the issue on my Windows 10 mini PC. I just assumed it was my crappy old machine with USB bus issues.
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