Not enjoying Matrix....Mesa 20/20?

intelligible mix....... That would be the end all....... If I had time to get to the venue and had 2 hours to myself and the sound man, I could get the AFX to FOH to sound awesome everytime...

SLAP SLAP...........Sorry I was dreaming..

Anyway back to reality. The AFX is many....who uses 10,000 amps and cabs....Nobody.....They find the 1-3 they like and done with it......

The last three shows and large venues, I went FOH only.... Sounded amazing from crowd perspective and responce.. Believe me, I always ask some peeps afterwards... I listen to video and although I liked my sound, The other guitar player sound I liked more. CARVIN 100 Tube amp....

I use IEM's....90% of venues wedges are hammerd and sound like crap......I would perfer FOH and live cab, but why?

Hey, the AFX II is amazing in almost everything it does. The FX are outstanding the cabs and amps are stellar......The ability to have that many options in one box..Priceless.....

It is still a line level piece of equipment...Therefor, what ever you use to amplificate it mattters.........To me, so far, it it a tube power amp.

Shoot, Even Matrix puts orange LED's in there amps to look like tube amps from a

My backs last hope..CLR
I am still going using the AFX II, in some form or another....It just to good at a lot of things.........

I have tried what you have mentioned...just better with a tube power amp..If I have the real thing why try to copy it.. I am not that could spend hours dialing, then save it a under "venue name" but more easy to mic my cab and therefor more consistant..

I am dreaming of glowing hot power amp tubes.......Do they make a 1x12 powered by tubes all in one?
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intelligible mix....... That would be the end all....... If I had time to get to the venue and had 2 hours to myself and the sound man, I could get the AFX to FOH to sound awesome everytime...

SLAP SLAP...........Sorry I was dreaming..

Anyway back to reality. The AFX is many....who uses 10,000 amps and cabs....Nobody.....They find the 1-3 they like and done with it......

The last three shows and large venues, I went FOH only.... Sounded amazing from crowd perspective and responce.. Believe me, I always ask some peeps afterwards... I listen to video and although I liked my sound, The other guitar player sound I liked more. CARVIN 100 Tube amp....

I use IEM's....90% of venues wedges are hammerd and sound like crap......I would perfer FOH and live cab, but why?

Hey, the AFX II is amazing in almost everything it does. The FX are outstanding the cabs and amps are stellar......The ability to have that many options in one box..Priceless.....

It is still a line level piece of equipment...Therefor, what ever you use to amplificate it mattters.........To me, so far, it it a tube power amp.

Shoot, Even Matrix puts orange LED's in there amps to look like tube amps from a

My backs last hope..CLR
I am still going using the AFX II, in some form or another....It just to good at a lot of things.........

Funny that you mention all of this. I'm one gig away from selling my Axe FX rig and going back to my 112 combo and pedals. I've discovered that while I enjoy the Axe FX and completely understand why it's such a useful tool, that I am more creative and productive when I have a 2 channel tube combo amp, Parallel FX loop, delay and a wah. I've got tons of pedals that I can throw in if I need them but I just don't think I need to. I've been trying to make the Axe work for me but I think I'm just done with it at this point. It needs to go to a better home with someone who will appreciate it's abilities more than me :)
I love gear and I love messing with stuff, I have spent at least 4 hours each night the last week locked in the studio dialing for dollars....

Great sound with matrix and the q12........

Over the top with the same preset and any of my tube power amps........and a 4 x12

ps. Going to try the Matrix and then a power tube amp into my 1x 12 Boogie Cab.. And re visit Matrix into 4 x 12 recto....
come to think of it, I have 2 boogie 1 x 12 cabs, Have not tried stereo yet.....

The QUEST moves on.....
Ya know 3 years ago when I got my Engl SE 670 I said I would never buy anything else again...Lets see...Ultra, AFX II, Velocity 300, GSP 1101, Eleven Rack, Marshal100/100, Matrix Q12A, Matrix GT1000FX, on waiting list for CLR.. not to mention the 3 other complete rigs I ve got.....

Help me I am a junkie...It has been 3 days since I have bought
my axe II sounds best through my Mesa Combo (Lonestar). Especially high gain stuff. I have a decent monitor setup as well but always prefer the amp. Had Atomic amp cabs and wedges as well but wasn't satisfied. I'll stick to my Mesa and Axe II - ultimate versatility, best sound I ever had (both the mesa preamp with FX AND modeled Preamps)! And I had MANY amps... For recording I'll never touch a real amp and cab anymore though... The axe is perfect for that. Without a million dollars in studio, mics, preamps, console etc... why??? Axe direct sounds like a million dollars recorded. however a real amp in the room is a real amp in the room. a burger doesn't taste good if it doesn't smell...
Sometimes it just does not work for you.

Nothing wrong with that.

This is my 3rd try and seems like three is the lucky charm.

For me I love the collection of Fender amps --

Before I decided to try the Axe one last time I was actually going to purchase a Twin Pre-amp and run it with the Matrix amp

SMS Classic Tube Preamp

I am glad I went with the AF2 Matrix amp/Q12 solution.

It is working rather well for me.

Good luck and I hope you get it sorted out.

Off to a gig!

intelligible mix....... That would be the end all....... If I had time to get to the venue and had 2 hours to myself and the sound man, I could get the AFX to FOH to sound awesome everytime...

SLAP SLAP...........Sorry I was dreaming..

Anyway back to reality. The AFX is many....who uses 10,000 amps and cabs....Nobody.....They find the 1-3 they like and done with it......

The last three shows and large venues, I went FOH only.... Sounded amazing from crowd perspective and responce.. Believe me, I always ask some peeps afterwards... I listen to video and although I liked my sound, The other guitar player sound I liked more. CARVIN 100 Tube amp....

I use IEM's....90% of venues wedges are hammerd and sound like crap......I would perfer FOH and live cab, but why?

Hey, the AFX II is amazing in almost everything it does. The FX are outstanding the cabs and amps are stellar......The ability to have that many options in one box..Priceless.....

It is still a line level piece of equipment...Therefor, what ever you use to amplificate it mattters.........To me, so far, it it a tube power amp.

Shoot, Even Matrix puts orange LED's in there amps to look like tube amps from a

My backs last hope..CLR
I am still going using the AFX II, in some form or another....It just to good at a lot of things.........

I have tried what you have mentioned...just better with a tube power amp..If I have the real thing why try to copy it.. I am not that could spend hours dialing, then save it a under "venue name" but more easy to mic my cab and therefor more consistant..

I am dreaming of glowing hot power amp tubes.......Do they make a 1x12 powered by tubes all in one?
my axe II sounds best through my Mesa Combo (Lonestar). Especially high gain stuff. I have a decent monitor setup as well but always prefer the amp. Had Atomic amp cabs and wedges as well but wasn't satisfied. I'll stick to my Mesa and Axe II - ultimate versatility, best sound I ever had (both the mesa preamp with FX AND modeled Preamps)! And I had MANY amps... For recording I'll never touch a real amp and cab anymore though... The axe is perfect for that. Without a million dollars in studio, mics, preamps, console etc... why??? Axe direct sounds like a million dollars recorded. however a real amp in the room is a real amp in the room. a burger doesn't taste good if it doesn't smell...

I think you nailed it on the head. I like the hamburger reference...
Sounds like the Mark V is your amp. At least the power amp. Nothing wrong with that. Whatever gets you off :)

Most important is the satisfaction of hitting those strings :D
Here is an interesting little vid that was posted a wile ago from Fryette and it "some what" explains the how come and why when your using a tube power amp with a guitar cab. I haven't seen or heard anything more on the LXll, if it's out I would think it would be a great medium weight single space tube power amp.

Funny that you mention all of this. I'm one gig away from selling my Axe FX rig and going back to my 112 combo and pedals. I've discovered that while I enjoy the Axe FX and completely understand why it's such a useful tool, that I am more creative and productive when I have a 2 channel tube combo amp, Parallel FX loop, delay and a wah. I've got tons of pedals that I can throw in if I need them but I just don't think I need to. I've been trying to make the Axe work for me but I think I'm just done with it at this point. It needs to go to a better home with someone who will appreciate it's abilities more than me :)

I'm with ya trias. I'm not a tweaker...I'd rather spend my time playing. Running through 100 amp sims and 200 cab sims trying to find the right combination is not my idea of a good time.

I just purchased a REAL Friedman HBE 100, and do you know how long it took me to get a jaw dropping sound out of it? About a minute and a half. I've literally spent 40-50 hours tweaking my Axe, trying to get decent FRFR sounds. I've tried the RCF, I've tried the Matrix GT1000Fx into custom 2x12 cabs, and the only time I get close to a great sound is when I run the Axe into my 2:90 or into the FX returns of my Two-Rock and Engl amps.

Something about glowing tubes pushing real speakers pushing air....

Add to that having to wait 6 months (I purchased the unit last October) to have a usable editor...and I'm about done...honestly...
I just purchased a REAL Friedman HBE 100, and do you know how long it took me to get a jaw dropping sound out of it? About a minute and a half. I've literally spent 40-50 hours tweaking my Axe, trying to get decent FRFR sounds.

just use the axe fx for effects only, like Vai, Petrucci.
Anybody try this? or even if they are still out there? R&R Amplification PWR -150....single space 6L6 power amp 50 watts....
I think the OPs issue is two fold.

1. Hes trying FRFR when hes clearly a man who likes real cabs behind him. The CLR/Q12s arnt going to cut it if you cant make that jump (I know - im struggling).

2. Hes comparing the AFX through the FX return of real amps. For me thats the worst way because not only are you using a tube power section that can colour the sound - your using one tuned to a particular pre-amp and designed to work as a pair. Thats going to work great for some tones and not work at all for others.

If theres something about the Matrix amps he cant dial out, then SS amps arnt going to work (If its not wanting to re-work his presets, hes on a loosing streak whatever he tries really). Thats cool - there not for everyone. It does however point to using a rack valve power amp. Still a little colour but should get closer to the things he likes about a heads power section. The problem is you cant do that lightweight..... yet. The Mesa 20/20 is NOT good. It works with a Mesa pre-amp for some things but thats about it. At present you need a relatively neutral power amp, meaning the VHT/Fryette, an Engl or possibly a Carvin. A higher powered Mesa amp might work if its mesa flavoured tones he wants. The only other thing is to wait for that 1U Fryette amp that still hasnt seen the light (as far as I know). At 40w/ side and bridgeable to 80 it should have the power to remain neutral - not to mention the flat response option.
I own a Mesa 2:90 which I used to run my II into it and out to 2 x Mesa 1x12 cabs with EVM12L.
Sound was a killer! A nuclear bomb in your face.
Then I got a lil Carvin DCM200L.
When first playing with it I thought the sound is ok but way to much low range frequencies.
I went each preset and re-dialed the amp E.Q only, and very few presets I added an E.Q block to deeply dial it.
It sounds now very nice, it's not the killer sound of the 2:90 but it's almost and I can leave with that.
I don’t think a SSAMP can "do" what a tube amp does but depends on the amount of time to tweak and the will to try things… can get nice results.
I would also buy a Matrix if I could first try it as its way too expensive to buy "blind"…..
Unfortunately don’t have them here around so cant test them.
The problem is reality. I ran several of my presets and even my favorite axe exchange preset (metropolis) through 3 seperate power amp sections..2:90, Engl SE and the Mark V. Without tweaking anything they ALL sounded incredable in their own way... Ran same presets through the Q12A, the Q12 and Matrix 1000, FOH at studio and "let the tweaking begin."

The AFX II is awesome...To me it need to be backed by a tube amp power....

Come on peeps--reality--- is there any famous, well sought after, big artist endorced, expensive SS amp..... ????????

Anyone speak russian=
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The problem is reality. I ran several of my presets and even my favorite axe exchange preset (metropolis) through 3 seperate power amp sections..2:90, Engl SE and the Mark V. Without tweaking anything they ALL sounded incredable in their own way... Ran same presets through the Q12A, the Q12 and Matrix 1000, FOH at studio and "let the tweaking begin."

The AFX II is awesome...To me it need to be backed by a tube amp power....

Come on peeps--reality--- is there any famous, well sought after, big artist endorced, expensive SS amp..... ????????

Anyone speak russian= RnR Sound......

But there in lies the issue. Your "incredable" sounds are all power amp/cab - your not so great, are all FRFR. You just cant compare them. You need to compare SS amp with cab - and be prepared to tweek your presets.
I also prefer using my Mesa Boogie 2 90 and a stereo Marshall cabinet or 2 and sometimes 4 depending were we play. I tried different solid state power amps and the sound is not even close. I even tried several MOSFET amps and there's a slight improvement, but still the Mesa power amp just kills everything else.
I also tried taking an output from the Axe Fx to FOH but it's a hassle tweaking each patch and I also have to keep the power amp emulation off because when I use the 2 90 it sounds really messy.
I guess I'm old schooled and prefer having a couple of 4 x 12 behind me. But the sound is huge running the Axe Fx through the 2 90
I've been playing guitar for almost 35 years and played live for 30 years including concerts in front of 5,000 to 45,000 people and I wish I had the Axe Fx then because the sound is so consistent .
In my current band I rarely use anything but stuff with a 4x12 cab so it works for me. I mic my cabinets and it sounds great, it has worked for many years so I'm fine with it
. The only way I could make it work would be to buy a 2nd Axe Fx so I can tweak it for FOH and simultaneously switching both of them at the same time, but now I mostly do studio work and I just play in a band for fun.
But there in lies the issue. Your "incredable" sounds are all power amp/cab - your not so great, are all FRFR. You just cant compare them. You need to compare SS amp with cab - and be prepared to tweek your presets.

We are not "tweakers" we are guitar players.. If I only played clean and low gain stuff then FRFR & SS would be a no brainer for AXF does them as the original.

If you want to blow out a match at ten feet, you need a TUBE AMP with the AFX.......
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