Non preset-based boost


Hey All,

I'm trying to determine the best way of setting up a global "boost" that I can toggle on and off with a CC message. It would be equally nice if I could auto-toggle that on in particular presets.

To be clear, I'm not talking about any change in tone, simply a measured increase in volume in both output 1 and output 2.

I'm sure loads of people do this already so I'd like to gather opinions on the best way of doing this. Any help is appreciated.

Lots of ways to skin this cat. For example, use an EQ block: flat EQ, just a boost in the output level of the block. Use an IA to turn the block on/off.
iaresee said:
Lots of ways to skin this cat. For example, use an EQ block: flat EQ, just a boost in the output level of the block. Use an IA to turn the block on/off.

That requires an EQ block in every preset.

If you had a controller that sends custom sysex, can you not just assign a CC to both Out1 and Out2 and then use the custom sysex message to set the relative levels?

Sorry I am at work and not in front of my Axe-FX (which is where I'd rather be right now) so I can't confirm it.

If you assigned Out1 and Out2 to CC10. Wouldn't sending a value of, say, 100 on CC10 cause both to lower the volume and then sending a value of 127 on CC10 cause both to use the full volume? And then that way you have this kind of boost without having to drop the same block in every preset.

It kind of reminds me of the G-System boost which was really an attenuation of the signal and when you hit the boost button you got the full volume.
mworkman said:
iaresee said:
Lots of ways to skin this cat. For example, use an EQ block: flat EQ, just a boost in the output level of the block. Use an IA to turn the block on/off.

That requires an EQ block in every preset.

If you had a controller that sends custom sysex, can you not just assign a CC to both Out1 and Out2 and then use the custom sysex message to set the relative levels?

Sorry I am at work and not in front of my Axe-FX (which is where I'd rather be right now) so I can't confirm it.

If you assigned Out1 and Out2 to CC10. Wouldn't sending a value of, say, 100 on CC10 cause both to lower the volume and then sending a value of 127 on CC10 cause both to use the full volume? And then that way you have this kind of boost without having to drop the same block in every preset.

It kind of reminds me of the G-System boost which was really an attenuation of the signal and when you hit the boost button you got the full volume.

Wouldn't send a value of 127 to the main out give a +20db boost. 64 would give a 0db boost. And ~83 would give a 6db boost.
javajunkie said:
mworkman said:
iaresee said:
Lots of ways to skin this cat. For example, use an EQ block: flat EQ, just a boost in the output level of the block. Use an IA to turn the block on/off.

That requires an EQ block in every preset.

If you had a controller that sends custom sysex, can you not just assign a CC to both Out1 and Out2 and then use the custom sysex message to set the relative levels?

Sorry I am at work and not in front of my Axe-FX (which is where I'd rather be right now) so I can't confirm it.

If you assigned Out1 and Out2 to CC10. Wouldn't sending a value of, say, 100 on CC10 cause both to lower the volume and then sending a value of 127 on CC10 cause both to use the full volume? And then that way you have this kind of boost without having to drop the same block in every preset.

It kind of reminds me of the G-System boost which was really an attenuation of the signal and when you hit the boost button you got the full volume.

Wouldn't send a value of 127 to the main out give a +20db boost. 64 would give a 0db boost. And ~83 would give a 6db boost.

That's the part I am not sure about. I was thinking if you manual set the output level and assigned the output level to an expression pedal at the full sweep (127) would that just give you the volume you manually set and at heal down you'd have zero. I thought you could essentially replace the expression pedal with an IA and send the right value for the assigned CC and control the volume that way.

Like I said I am not at home so I haven't had a chance to try it out.
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