No Output

Just using for effects? Both your amp and FM3 need to be plugged into the same outlet. You might have ground hum. Look into humbuster cables too.
Both FM3 and Guitar Amp are plugged into a Furman Line Conditioner. I’m getting no guitar sound at all, just the hum, that’s what’s got me worried.
Where are getting the headphone sound source from?

What does your grid layout look like? Post a screenshot or the preset.
Headphone source from the FM3, using factory presets only. It happens no matter what preset
So plug guitar cable into IN 1 and using the headphone jack on FM3 you can hear the presets of the FM3, correct?

However, when going from OUT 1 (Main) of the FM3 to the input of your guitar amp, you get no sound? Does the same thing occur when using a 1/4 cable from OUT 2 (FX send)?
So plug guitar cable into IN 1 and using the headphone jack on FM3 you can hear the presets of the FM3, correct?

However, when going from OUT 1 (Main) of the FM3 to the input of your guitar amp, you get no sound? Does the same thing occur when using a 1/4 cable from OUT 2 (FX send)?
Only Output 1 is XLR... Output 2 is not and should use only TS (instrument) cables or Humbuster (specific wiring). Do not use balanced cables!

Try running an instrument cable from Output 2, set Output 2 to Copy Output 1 in global settings and turn the Output 2 knob up.

Also, make sure you're plugging into Output 2 not Input 2
Once I grasp the FM3 better I want to use stereo Right-Left balanced lines out to take advantage of this beast!!

Guitar amps don't typically have balanced inputs, so there would be no advantage to using balanced outs with them. If you're connecting to balanced inputs on a mixer or power amp, for example, then it makes sense.

For troubleshooting purposes, can you try connecting from out2 to the amp using a standard TS instrument cable? That will help determine what the issue is ...
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