No output when I switch to scene 2 - bug?

Matt Walters

New Member
As the title says, any time I switch to scene 2 the output goes silent. Usually its fine when I go back to any other scene, however sometimes it even makes the unit totally silent forcing me to restart.

I just got the FM3 and am hoping to use it on an upcoming tour - any help is appreciated!

Note- latest firmware installed.
Does this happen on every preset? If it's only happening on a preset you've created or modified, upload it so others can try to reproduce the problem. If it happens on a factory preset, which one?
Attach your preset and I'll tell you what's going on with it.
I seem to have found a workaround.. so when I was selecting channel B on the amp block, it was defaulting to the bassguy amp with all the knobs down/ no output. Then upon trying to change the amp, or amp settings, I still had no output, sometimes continuing when returning to other scenes and presets.

I tried saving the preset with the ENGL on amp B (even though there was no output when saving) and rebooted the Fm3, and now it seems to be working fine.

I also noticed the 'scene ignore' button was automatically on when changing to scene two, but toggling it off and saving didn't work to fix this previously.

Hopefully this was an error on my part, although it doesn't make sense why the output would stop working on all presets.
There we go, I can attach files now. Didn't need to crack any dad jokes luckily!


  • FOF LIVE RHYTM TONE FM3 save.syx
    24.1 KB · Views: 3
Your Input EQ tab of the AMP block, channel B, has -20dB gain?! And the Bright Gain on the Tone tab is 0.00.
Increasing those will get you some output.
Maybe you should just reset the channel and start all over with setting up this amp:

Edit: well i looked again, and some weird stuff is happening... when i switch to channel B while in Scene 1, things are different than selecting Scene 2 which has channel B. I makes no sense to me... even Scene Ignore should not lead to this behavior.
Maybe the best you can do right now is start all over again with a fresh preset.

Edit2: i looked a third time... it's just that the graph on the Input EQ tab isn't refreshing when switching channels in the AMP block. So just change the AMP block settings i mentioned in the first lines of this post, and disable Scene Ignore on channel B, and everything should be good.
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Didn't need to crack any dad jokes luckily!

Somehow I feel we are missing out! 🤣

Try this... copy the Preset to a new save slot. Get Scene 1 working perfectly the way you want. Then copy the Scene to Scene slot 2. Does it sound the same as Scene 1? If all good, start editing Scene 2. Turn off Blocks (if that it what you need - I haven't checked out the Preset yet), and change the Amp Block to Channel B, and edit.

Let us know how you go?
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