Newbie Question: How do you position the AxeFX on stage?

Just wondering how you position the AxeFX on stage when playing live?

I've seen some people placing it front of their pedal board on some sort of stand with the front panel of the Axefx facing up at them. I've also seen some people hide it at the back of the stage and control everything with just their midi controller and expression pedals.

My AxeFX ultra arrives in a week or so.. Woot! I'm just trying to figure out where I'll put it on stage or if it even needs to be on stage.

So in summary, a couple of questions:

1. How do you position the AxeFX on stage when playing live?
2. Do you normally adjust things on the fly while playing live?
i use either a regular keyboard stand, or an amp stand. i put the axe fx either directly behind me in between my two wedges, if i'm using them as backline, or to the side, if i'm using my wedges in front of me. the amount of space available will dictate where it goes, somewhat.
i use the tuner, so it needs to be accessible

As my rack united is a simple 2U case that just holds the AxeFX, I'm still unsure what to do with it.

I had one idea to buy a fake (empty) guitar cabinet and just plonk the AxeFX on top. But this would probably get to be annoying to carry to each set.

My other idea is to simply buy a guitar stand and sit my axefx facing up on an angle.

Here are some photos I've found of what other people are doing..


OK, I've found something that might work:


I could sit the AxeFX in the rack, and then just lean my amp against the bottom half off the rack.. perfect!

If you have any other ideas, please share :)
I think it depends on the stage and the venue. I use an old SKB PS100 so everything is right in front of me, but I mainly play in a house of worship or in a park so the issue of people stepping, kicking or spilling beer on my equipment is not a concern.

If I were playing in bars or pubs I would more then likely have things behind me.

I position the Axe-FX offstage. I do not adjust on the fly, I dial it up as needed for soundcheck and leave it.

I've done 150+ (at least) shows this way. Never one issue.
Mine sits behind me on the boxes we use to carry My GCP and our wireless kit in.

No way I want this in reach of anyone. I need to see it for the tuner at the start of each set (till I get me MFC anyway)
Mine sits off to the side of the stage, next to the amp rack.. sometimes on top of it, sometimes on the floor.
Like Scott, I do not tweak at gigs.
Ultra is controlled by MFC which sits behind stage monitors and mic stand.
My rig in my basement.....(ignore the V-Plex)

AXE-FX Ultra in a 4 space rack with a power conditioner and a Line 6 G-90.

2 Atomic wedges - one active (left), one passive(right) - mono obviously.

2 RJM MasterMind midi controllers.

The rig is spread out stage left and stage right so I can both hear myself and control the AXE from anywhere on stage.


Below is the setup stage left:


Below is the setup stage right - both MasterMinds are synchronized with each other and control the AXE.


On larger stages I place the 4 space rack with the AXE and its stand offstage stage left and place my 2 atomics at the front of the stage - the powered wedge goes stage left and the passive goes stage right. Each monitor has a MasterMind midi controller next to it so I can both hear myself and control the AXE from both spots on stage. For smaller stages and bars I put the 4 space rack with the AXE and its stand in the front left corner of the stage and "wedge" :D the atomic wedge in under the rack - it fits perfect as pictured. The passive wedge would be positioned in the front right corner of the stage. Once again, the MasterMinds are placed next to the wedges.

I don't tweak during shows. I do use the AXE for tuning - that is the only time I even look at my rack during a show.

Definitely the most versatile and probably the best rig I have had.
As you can see in my avatar, I keep it on my monitor behind me. I don't want it anywhere near beer spillage. If I'm playing somewhere that requires me to have my monitor in front of me, I just grab a small table (most places have 2-person tables tucked off in the corners) and put it on there. I might look into the keyboard stand though - seems like an easy lightweight solution.
My Axe rig is pretty minimalistic.

I have a 4-space rack with Ultra, Bryston 2B-LP, and Furman power conditioner.
The 2B goes into a 1 X 12 open back cab with an EVM-12L.

On gigs where I'm standing I bring 2 plastic milk crates and put the cab on top of the crates.
The rack sits on top of the cab.

Not pretty. But it's worked out great so far.

On gigs where I'm sitting the cab just goes on the floor.
Much like Scott- once i've done a sound check-axefx goes behind me somewhere out of the way. I usually put the front cover back on my 4 U case, keeps anything from hitting the face and I dont worry about it.
Until I got my MFC-101, I had it next to me sitting upright in a 2 space rack. The MFC-101 displays patch names and the tuner display is great so now I keep it off stage and never touch the thing during a gig. I plug it in, attach a midi cord and L/R XLR's into the stage snake then stick it behind the drummer :lol:
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