newbie needs help with firmware update, axe-edit

I bought the Ultra, MFC-101, and 2 Atomic Cabs, a few months back and I'm finally ready to expand my knowledge on my system.
Can someone explain in easy to understand english how to update from 10.5 to 11. I need to know what midi interface to use ( I have midisport uno,does that work)?
I have read the forum, and YEK over and over, but the instructions are very technical and I get lost, Sysex, midi librarian, etc.? I also want to update the MFC, and access Axe Edit, back up, and find other user tones. What should I start with please.
thanks for any help
You're over-complicating things when you talk about Sysex, etc. Your midisport uno should work. It's simple, all you need is Axe Edit. Download the latest firmware from the Fractal site. Properly hook up your midisport to your computer and the Axe-Fx. Launch Axe Edit. Click on Settings then Audio/Midi Settings to make sure everything is talking. Then click on Settings then Update Firmware. Select the directory you downloaded the file to and you should be good to go.
Thanks Kush, a couple questions...what do you mean by "Select the directory you downloaded the file to"? And on connecting the midisport uno, am I correct that the usb side goes to my mac book pro, and the midi in/outs connect to the axe fx? I did this but didn't pass the test connection.
you need to plug the midi in & out into the midi in & out of the axe fx (IN ---> IN , OUT ----> OUT) and cofigure the midi interface inside "Audio / MIDI Settings" , then (click on image to enlarge):
after that you should locate the firmware file and follow the instructions on Axe Edit.
you have to have two(2) midi cables, the in(axe) to the out(interface) and the out(axe) to the in(interface). Choose your interface in the settings like holo said. Sync up and then update.
...what do you mean by "Select the directory you downloaded the file to"?
When you click on "Update Firmware" you'll get a dialog box where you select the directory you downloaded the firmware file to. Try it, adn you'll see what kush is talking a

And on connecting the midisport uno, am I correct that the usb side goes to my mac book pro, and the midi in/outs connect to the axe fx?

I did this but didn't pass the test connection.
What status is displayed next to the Test Connection button?
Jones, this will be easier for you if I can talk you through it. Send me a PM and we'll work out a time for me to call you.
Wow...that's service! You're right, Matt, it can take days of typing back and forth to get all the questions answered. Thanks for stepping in.
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