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New XL+/MFC-101/EV-1

I know this is probably a pretty simple thing to do as well, because I can't find any videos on it, but how do I replace factory preset 1 (59 Bassguy) with preset 5 (Double Verb)? I keep finding videos on reassigning IAs and setting up scenes. Thanks!
On the front panel of the Axe, hit Store. Then select the new location, and hit Enter Enter. Unless you're talking about changes on the MFC and not the Axe.
On the front panel of the Axe, hit Store. Then select the new location, and hit Enter Enter. Unless you're talking about changes on the MFC and not the Axe.
I'll try that. My comments above were from me trying to copy the preset from one number to another via my MFC (obviously the wrong place). God only knows what I messed up doing that! :D

Thank you, Rex!
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